三島由紀夫 天人五衰 題名「無為」 童菩薩 10.10.3センチ ミニ木片 油彩 |   心のサプリ (絵のある生活) 

  心のサプリ (絵のある生活) 

絵のある生活 を 広めたいです !!!


-三島由紀夫 天人五衰

題名「無為」 童菩薩

10.10.3センチ ミニ木片 油彩

音楽=Flower Travellin' Band - Satori Pt 1





無上 涅槃 これ 無為 法 身なり

Title "Supreme nirvana"

Series 10 praying to the demeanor

The softest thing in this world

Beat the hardest things of the world

If there is no shape, it will penetrate into a place without gaps

So worthless

Supreme nirvana is the eternal dharma-body.

Title "No meaning"

Series 10 praying to the demeanor

The softest thing in this world

Beat the hardest things of the world

If there is no shape, it will penetrate into a place without gaps

So worthless

No way to go

Title "No meaning"

Series 10 praying to the demeanor

The softest thing in this world

Beat the hardest things of the world

If there is no shape, it will penetrate into a place without gaps

So worthless

Supreme nirvana is the eternal dharma-body.
