「狂気  芸術  孤独 」 の  バヴェリアの狂王  Ludwig II.!!! |   心のサプリ (絵のある生活) 

  心のサプリ (絵のある生活) 

絵のある生活 を 広めたいです !!!

「狂気  芸術  孤独 」 の  バヴェリアの狂王  Ludwig II.!!!

ノイシュバンシュタイン城!!!!Schloss Neuschwanstein


 ニーチェ、そしてLudwig II.、そしてまたワーグナー。



三島由紀夫氏、彼が愛したワーグナー。憂国のテーマ「トリスタンとイゾルデ」そして、このノイシュバンシュタイン城を作ったLudwig II.=バヴェリアの狂王の、「タンホイザー」のことを・・・







 Ludwig II.は中世の騎士を愛していたし、自分と同化していたために彼と同じ服装で、この城のなかをさまよいあるいている。そんな世界のことを考えながら私はぼんやりしていた。

 渋沢龍彦氏の説によると、ニーチェとLudwig II.の相似があると。

<異端の肖像 渋沢龍彦>

 ふたりとも、孤独の中に生き、もちろん前者は知性に生き、Ludwig II.は感性に溺れた人間です。







 以前の記事 バヴァリアの狂王でも書きましたが、しかし、ルドヴィヒのこの幼児的な退行的な子供じみた行為や狂気の行為などが世界中の芸術家に影響を与えているのはその純粋性ではないでしょうか?
















 年をとって私の孤独が深まる頃、またここに戻ることを自分自身に約束しながら・・・Madness of Bavaria of "crazy art solitary" Ludwig II. !!!

Neuschwanstein Castle !!!!

Shooting is prohibited inside this castle. I was listening to the voice guidance inside the castle but I was thinking about something completely different.

Nietzsche, and Ludwig II., And also Wagner.

Wagner was deliberately going to listen to Ipod intentionally before this trip.

Wagner "Valkyrie" that Mr. Hayao Miyazaki had heard even when making "Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea".

Mr. Yukio Mishima, Wagner he loved. Mourning theme "Tristan and Isolde" And Ludwig II who made this Neuschwanstein castle. = Mad thing of Bavaria's "Tannhuiser" ...

Tristan and Isolde were also used for my favorite "melancholia". It was a wonderful effect.

Delusion spreads all over.

"The devil of the throne" between the singers ", the overhanging window, the watchtower, the tower, the gunshot and the like embodied his longing for medieval times. Overwhelming evil taste !!

Especially when I saw a place where a cave was made by arranging artificial stalactite of Linderhof.

What is this?

I seemed to be starting to laugh a little. It is enough to have such an illusion that an infant aggressively playing hide-and-see here.

Ludwig II. I loved medieval knights and wandering in this castle with the same clothes as he was assimilating with myself. While I was thinking about such a world, I was absent.

According to Shibusawa Tatsuhiko 's theory, there is similarity between Nietzsche and Ludwig II.

<The portrait of heretics Tatsuhiko Shibusawa>

Both of us live in solitude, of course the former lives in intelligence and of course Ludwig II.

Mr. Tatsuhiko Shibusawa wrote that the manner in which the two people draw the parabola is very similar.

Both born in 1944, 1945.

Loneliness habits, sexual shamefulness, things that were life virgin life, crazy sensitivity, dream habits, etc ...

It blocks all socializing and connections with the outside world, acts by one person, and dies in the last solitary loneliness without any other characters appearing at all.

And they both are intense Wagnerian.

Both of them love him like God and drown in his work.

Previous article Although I also wrote about Bavarian Madrigence, however this Ludwig's infantile degenerative childish behavior and crazy acts are affecting artists all over the world because of its purity it might be?

I selfishly thought that up to Michael Jackson.

Absence and emptiness.

A castle that denies all usefulness. Until my country, infant Ludwig is this castle or his toy, I try to complete this toy.

Bad taste, infantile sexuality, a castle where ghosts and antiques live, a complete fake, but the truth that the king lived and lived in fact.

What he did is not right, if it says now it is the worst king. However, tens of millions of tourists coming from all over the world in his madness may see a dream of a dream that can not be done even though he thinks he will never do.

In case

It is only a mistake that the artist Georgue of the 19th century, Verleenu, Danunzio, Vallace, Cocteau, Aboriner, and Japanese Ogai dedicated a tribute to him, and he got a hint of art wine from him There is not it.

A swan-like Ludwig, one day, I am rewriting it to an unknown craftworker because I do not like the picture painted by court painter Gaulbach. It is a person who did not have an aesthetic sense

Mr. Matsuoka seigo's words suddenly heard in my heart.

He says.

"Those who are drowned by those who are crazy, artificial beauty, or those who have indulged in abandonment will not say as much as they should, but they must have always appeared anywhere."

However, the king of one country is "a mad king" and "a king of abolition" means that the ancient days of the empress Heliogaballus and the emperor Gustaf do not know, and in the 1880s the modern period is about to end, the language I wrote that the world was surprised by this "beautiful Macbeth return" all over the world.

Two hours while thinking about something I do not understand in this castle.

As I came outside, it was raining like Ludwig's tears from the German autumn sky.

The serenity and the silence of the forest like a medieval dream, and the beauty came into my eyes.

A carriage came and went and I left Neuschwanstein Castle in the forest for 40 minutes with it being vague.

When my age gets older and I promise to return myself to return here ...

A carriage came and went and I left Neuschwanstein Castle in the forest for 40 minutes with it being vague.

When my age gets older and I promise to return myself to return here ...