
3-5-4genuine medical

⁂∞§∞⭐︎ Disease of Erotic-toxin ①〜 Lower-Backache ⭐︎∞§∞⁂

I am going to describe about Lower-Backache this time.

Lower-Back is body part which supports firmly energy of prana gathered at the belly front side and makes steady it from back side.

If one has energy of LP very much and is in the full flush of Will power, the sacral chakra where is 3 cm below from belly button can work big and strong.

It makes bowels be activate and intestinal microbiota repeat to undergo cell division vigorously and bowels can keep always state which there are a lot of good bacteria.

Source of Lower-Back Power is energy of the sacral chakra.

(Ref: 【5-2】How to refine and polish Prana).

Therefore, if energy of the sacral chakra is getting weak, it hurts your lower-back.

From the spiritual point of view, when state of your mentality is as if you have to be possessed by evil beings who belong to the Erotic-demon world, evil beings posses your lower-back.

Specifically, Evil-Snake coils around the lower back.

(Ref: 【3-5-2】Explanation of Erotic-toxin).

For example, man who is too much attractive to women is easy to be obsessed with Erotic-souls of women, and Erotic-souls of women change into Evil-Snake resulting in it coils around his lower back, it makes he feel horny, but he doesn’t know why that.

For that reason, he would waste LP too much.

Thereby, energy of the sacral chakra will reduce resulting in his lower-back will be weak and brittle, therefore he will be sick such as hernia or a slipped disc.

In the case of women is the same, too.

Furthermore, energy of  the sacral chakra is necessary for putting force power of legs, too.

In order not to get muscle pain of legs when one makes one's posture in a low position by bending over at the waist or practices kikoku(a Chinese exercise art, I recommend that you should consciously imagines as if prana at the sacral chakra flows across legs.

In addition, you become less tired by doing so.

If you have enough prana very much, you can always keep mentality with imperturbable tranquillity and your both emotion and mind are sharpened quietly, strongly and automatically.

If you eat too much, you may get backache because the stomach and intestines are burdened very much resulting in not enough to prana at the sacral chakra.

In the case of women, because place where the sacral chakra is very close to ovaries which is stored Energy of LP, Energy of LP can change into Energy of MP immediately.

(Ref:【5-2】How to refine and polish Prana).

Therefore, women have a good digestion, however, if her irregular menstruation is getting worse, she becomes an upset intestines resulting in she will get sick of constipation or hemorrhoids.

That’s why you shouldn’t fantasize about erotic things if you want to relieve such as constipation and hemorrhoids. 

It’s called ‘Erotic-toxin’.

I think that the most common toxin in the humanity world  is ‘Erotic-toxin’.

Especially, it’s the worst toxin for woman because it hurts her whole body very much.

(Ref:【3-5-1】Sick by Erotic-toxin).

This ‘Erotic-toxin’ which is produced by fantasizing about erotic things hurts uterus and ovaries at first, resulting in menstruation become heavy and pain.

(Ref: 【3-5-3】About menstruation).

Thereby, her energy of LP is getting weak.

It causes that prana at the sacral chakra will reduce and also function of intestines will reduce.

That’s why it hurts lower-back and causes sick of hemorrhoids.


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