宗教に関する記事を書くと読者が減る | 異文化交差点






I have a feeling that I tend to lose readers when I write articles about religion.




Perhaps it is linked to the mysterious movements of Aum Shinrikyo, Soka Gakkai, Unification Church, Jehovah's Witnesses, Islamic fundamentalists, etc.




It is said that many Japanese think they are non-religious. In reality, however, they are not unaffiliated with religion, as in the case of a Shinto wedding ceremony and a Buddhist funeral ceremony.




Why do Japanese people like to think of themselves as non-religious? I assume it is because when it comes to religion, many Japanese people have a caustic religious view of Western Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc. that strikes at the Japanese sensibilities.




A philosophical thinker active in the Showa period was Shichihei Yamamoto. He said that Japanese people like to think of themselves as non-religious, but instead of Western-style religion, Japanese people, from the moment they are born, without even realizing it, are imbued with indigineous Japenese religion. I believe this to be true. Japan's unique religion has no dogma. Neither does the ancient Japanese Shinto religion. Japanese people pay homage to shrines where they are immersed in a sense of solemnity.




I think that this too can be called “Indigineous Japanese religion”.




A small number of topnotch Japanese physicists have begun to tell that the essence of quantum mechanics was incorporated into Buddhist doctrine by Indians 2000 years ago, and that the Han-nya Shingyou - Heart Sutra of Wisdom may be an excellent example of quantum mechanics.




In short, I believe that the Han-nya Shingyou is not a religion as we know it in the West, but a scripture that describes the relationship between human beings and the universe.