Thanks (~▽~@)♪♪♪ | 人生はたまたまヂェンティエンマオ


このブログはすべて事実に基づき、公益のため社会正義実現のため書いています。( ̄^ ̄)
が気ままに思いついたことも書いてます。( ̄ー ̄)

A new experience viewing Instagram on the web Instagram photos in

The picture I raised at the front!

A face is a little warped! (~~▽ ~;)
The foreign girl who saw this in SNS

Was it fascinating?
They seem to have sent oneself!
A picture can be taken well.
As expected.
A face is also a little warped this girl's picture! But (~~▽~~), NO. Well, it's natural to be warped!
It's so! ("⌒∇⌒")
A mirror suits the opposite of left and right.
It's different from a real image and seems.
Then, even if I don't use a mirror and have someone take a picture, it's same! The taken side?
It's because it becomes opposite to a subject!
It's impossible that even a professional cameraman takes a perfect real image. After all it isn't possible to judge a perfect real image by a human viewpoint! That, satsu got a real image perfectly!
To say so? (~~▽~~),
NO. Optics, deception
