真田丸の闘いに終わりはない!( ̄ー ̄) | 人生はたまたまヂェンティエンマオ


このブログはすべて事実に基づき、公益のため社会正義実現のため書いています。( ̄^ ̄)
が気ままに思いついたことも書いてます。( ̄ー ̄)

Fight with the bureaucrat class.

In this, optics, it's written about deception. The angle of the person is different respectively, and a parallax can be done certainly, so I have to do the work in which its difference is being buried. It won't be done forever to mistake kind and settle kind of problems. Bureaucracy is also the class and a state. I'm outside the capitalist of a capitalistic society and the working class, and even if a change of government occurs, it doesn't change.

A fight of😤👊💪

is never ending 👍🌈🙋💖👋