人間の価値は?( ̄ー ̄) | 人生はたまたまヂェンティエンマオ


このブログはすべて事実に基づき、公益のため社会正義実現のため書いています。( ̄^ ̄)
が気ままに思いついたことも書いてます。( ̄ー ̄)

There was also time when a sensation of Trump  raged before in Japan. The election I held by making the issue of whether Junichiro Koizumi placed the part of the postal service on a book under private management the Prime Minister's time. This postal service also has rights, though before electing, the objection was taken, and it was elected, there was a congressman who went around to agreement by the Diet, too. It's because it's disposed of when I don't go around to agreement. But there was an opposite politician through will, too. This Mr. Hiranuma TAKEO doesn't fear disposal only and is a few politician by real Japan through faith. A possibility of the Prime Minister also had the future. But the value of the man is whether back history estimates the life-style, not the present status and fame. Back history is high as a real politician and a Japanese samurai, and Mr. Takeo Hiranuma would be estimated.😔👏✨

!( ̄ー ̄)😔🔔👏