What sanadamaru ? | 人生はたまたまヂェンティエンマオ


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The starting point of Sanada soul 柔道

By the roman drama traditional by a book today. It's broadcast. テレビ富士山桜天使おとめ座モグラ星

When he's Sanada, Mr. Hiroyuki Sanada is famous for the world,ラブラブ!グッド!恋の矢音譜天使てんびん座いて座

but it's that it became famous from the Edo Period 400 years before in Japan. Yukimura400右矢印時計にゃーわんわんしっぽフリフリ
Sanada blur. But, this is the fictitious personality. Tokugawa Ieyasu is run down by a fight in at the end of warlike ages and Osaka-war it was. パンチ!メラメラ手裏剣柔道ナゾの人クラッカー
Nobushige Sanada called the best of Japan soldier is a model.グッド!ニコニコ

The novel this Nobushige Sanada changes Yukimura Sanada blur and the name by an author, and which is much. A TV drama, a movie and an animation were being made so far in Japan. The starting point can be this sanada maru. Sanadamaru is something to lure an enemy out by a fort like the oriel Nobushige  Sanada made with a fight in Osaka for a castle and fight. This, how to fight is called the Sanada tactics by which even a minority can beat many enemies. This, father Masayuki Sanada of Nobushige     Sanada repulsed a soldier of Tokugawa 7000 at home Shinshu Ueda in Sanada by a soldier of 2000 by how to fight, and you came to know that there is Sanada in Shinshu Ueda by this fight in a various part of Japan.叫びパンチ!にゃーわんわんしっぽフリフリ馬富士山虹星グー得意げてんびん座恋の矢チョキ

Mr. Masao Kusakari who performs Masayuki Sanada by sanadamaru.
Very nice ! グッド!得意げ虹オバケにゃーわんわんしっぽフリフリ馬おとめ座天使ロケット柔道べーっだ!パー