You complain about the company, but you are paid by the company.
you are employed by the company. If you're good enough for the company, you can do it in your own company and pay you a salary. 

If you can't do that, you have no right to complain to the company.

Now, what is worrisome in the market is the decline of the energy sector.
Since 11/23, there has been a noticeable profit-taking in the energy sector, which had been the market leader. What does this suggest?

U.S. economic slowdown
China's economic slowdown
subdued inflation
Lifting of the Russian oil embargo
End of the war in Ukraine

I see this as being triggered by a missile landing in Poland.
Since this incident, NATO has not been able to come on strong with Putin.
Media reports on the missile disappeared.
Zelensky moved to retract his statement that the missile was definitely Russian.



It is likely that Crimea will be held by Russia as it has been.
Putin was better at this chicken race than the West.

Dow blue, TOPIX orange, US energy sector red

Dow blue, TOPIX orange, US energy sector red