ABEMA broadcasts all 64 FIFA World Cup matches live for free.
The broadcasting rights fee paid was 20 billion yen. 
Both FIFA and the IOC are giant money machines.

Now, the market saw interest rates fall and stocks rise.
Interest rates continue to fall rapidly on the back of a weakening economy.
I think the market participants' view is bearish > bullish.

This week was pigeonholing Fed and raising the CTA's equity weighting.
Investors who had a minimum allocation to equities are now raising their weight of equities. The move is from max underweight to normal levels.

Dow left and U.S. 10-year Treasury rate right

TOPIX orange and 225 red over the past year

TOPIX is on track to reach higher levels ahead of 225. Real money may be buying cash equities instead of futures.

One year of TOPIX Orange and Dow

The Dow is catching up fast, but TOPIX is still in the lead as drawdowns have been contained. The turning point to choosing indexes and countries.