In October, the town saw 500,000 foreign tourists, a 25-fold increase over the previous year. Japan has the eighth wave of Corona now. 
No longer possible for restaurants to maintain motivation.

The inflection point of the week was the difference of opinion between Zelensky and the US. NATO, which would be called to action if Russian missiles fell on Poland, is putting out the fire.

There is an impression that the West is being controlled by Putin.
I feel that Russia and the U.S. want to end the war, and this could be detrimental to Ukraine. 


Where will this satisfy Ukraine?  

Where is the drop-off point?

End of war ➡ normalization of logistics ➡ normalization of energy ➡ calming of inflation ➡ falling resource prices ➡ easing of tightening

Preparations for the end of the war have become necessary.

Zelensky claims missiles struck by Russia

How about the Soros Fund's returns this year?

Comparison of top stocks in Soros Fund

The actual returns are not as bad as this because They are hedging derivatives. This is just a stock selection.

Blue is S&P, red is the return of stocks included in the Soros Fund

The performance of the energy sector and the Dow are getting closer.
Apparently, the Soros fund is buying put options. Is energy expiring or can it still go?

Orange is the S&P.

The energy sector did not fall even though the price of oil dropped.
It is not the oil price that is driving the energy sector higher.

High dividends?
Alternative energy setbacks?
Winter energy prices?
Supply and demand stringency?

Blue is crude oil futures.

When these peel off, it will be time to get out. Be careful not to be crashed.

Dow in red, S&P in orange.