I got an assignment titled "Autumn in the Village. Tokyo's fall foliage is a month away and the trees are green. I made them red in the edit, even the pond turned red like a sea of blood.

The consensus is that the dollar's strength is unchanged because the fundamentals have not changed.

Is it true?
How far is too far for the dollar to go?

Nothing is more unreliable than the voices of market participants.
Because they are not taking life risks with their own funds.

Movement of the dollar-yen after intervention


The YEN has fallen 1.3 yen from its post-intervention high.
It took less than a month from the 9/22 intervention to return to the original level.

Dollar-yen after the last intervention


In response to criticism of the strong dollar, the U.S. may change the pace of interest rate hikes. At that point, the dollar long expires.