Moving pictures and videos on the PC is tricky. The collection comes and I said, "Excuse me, I haven't finished copying yet, can you come back last?" then, "Excuse me, I haven't finished copying yet, can you come back this afternoon?" really sorry,,,, we are in the age of 5G, why can't we copy in 1 second?


Investors who expected the stock market to rise after Jackson Falls with no surprises should have been dizzy. I'm sure they were as giddy as I was.

The "policy response must be determined at this time to avoid a prolonged period of strong tightening, with high inflation embedded in wages and prices and the employment costs associated with inflation control rising as a result.

In fact, the market rallied once and then sold off. 


"Inflation is self-perpetuating, and we need to break the grip of inflationary expectations if we are to return to a stable and productive economy.

The post-Jackson move: 


The market overreacted to the weekend position. I believe the market overreacted to the weekend plus the unwinding of the Jackson position.
Many participants expected the market to rally after Jackson. It appears that I was a consensus trader when I intended to be a contrarian.

Future FOMC rate hike expectations by Goto-san

There will be an increase in the number of contingents watching the expected inflation rate.