Biden effect. More changes happening across the industries. GM changed their EV strategy right after Trump left. We prepare plan B all the time.



Alternative energy and Emission-free are the key messages from the new administration. I'm interested in solar generation, given electric shortage and price hike in Japan. 



Here is a real-time monitor of solar panels on the iPhone. you can monitor power generation far away from the site, IoT.


[Solar Power Generation in Fukushima]



HF vs. Robinhooders

The market was dominated by GameStop(GME) this week. The restriction and DTC changes are becoming a political issue. Boring Retail and Theater companies are suddenly the centre of the market.




[AMC in blue, GME in orange, one day left, one year right]



GME share looks crazy to go up +88% and down to +32% and ended +73%. Someone has to stop too much speculation to protect systems. The big loss makes the market crashed. Got to be careful what politicians voice.





This is another target. Investors rushed into BTC after the restriction to GME. Then, another restriction to BTC trade. It looks miners finally started selling their holdings.




BTC is the place to be for day traders and gamblers, 20% move in one day. Mr. Musk doesn’t need to Tweet on BTC, now finally regulators and the team Biden are ready to intervene in the crazy market. WATCH OUT!


[Ocasio-Cortez left, Vladimir Tenev right]




I didn’t expect the ESG would become such a big wave in 2009. There was no support from the government and investment community, of course, Japanese corporations brushed off, saying business is not volunteer.  



I’m shy to see many people talk about ESG on Webinar.

There is no doubt it’s the boom and the trend. What's the difference boom and no boom? Boom is temporary, then ESG temporally? Could be if Trump comes back.



The thing is ESG is now heavily political matters. GM, BlackRock and Exxon cannot ignore voices. I think the history of ESG came through the process below.  



UN challenges to fund 

Grass Roots Activities

Non-Profit Organization

Asset Management



Central Banks




It's not true that companies with high ESG scores generate a higher return. Also, ESG integration is not powerful enough to generate a massive return.



ESG scores are subjective and not necessary fair.

The engagement has a long history. Mr Buffet was once CEO of Salomon Brothers.




Big investors are heavily involved with corporate strategy in the past. It never is a win-win situation for the company, asset managers and investors. There are costs and sacrifices to meet them.



There’re more imminent issues than SDGs that is opaque. For instance, SDGs and ESG do nothing to Corona Vaccine for poor countries.


Information Dominance

Dealing with Weapons& Guns

Drug Dealing

Human Trafficking



Media Control




I’m not sure how the UN tackles these issues. As the more ESG gets spread, the more non-ESG investment is highly evaluated. Unconstrained Non-ESG high return fund will become a new trend.


In a nutshell, ESG itself is not sustainable under current capitalism, I think.