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 南都銀行 桜井支店 店番240 普通預金口座 2307071

 若返り研究所 ワカガエリケンキユウジヨ











※sirt1 ,sier2 = サーチュイン遺伝子はヒストン脱アセチル化酵素、長寿遺伝子の事です。












珪素。 玄米、じゃが芋根菜類、わかめひじき海藻類。


水素。 牛乳から身体で生成、または水素水生成器  (遺伝子修復、遺伝子結合、細胞、ミトコンドリア、アミノ酸、悪玉活性酸素除去、ウイルス除去。骨粗鬆症を予防し、若返りホルモンである成長ホルモンの分泌を促進します。 )
亜鉛。 高野豆腐、ココア、卵、納豆(納豆は血栓を防止します。また亜鉛と鉄分が含まれているので、ミトコンドリアに作用しダイエットに繋がります。)
リン。 豆腐、卵、納豆


ビフィズス菌。 オリゴ糖
酵素。白味噌、梅干し、梨 (テロメア保護・細胞分裂に、よく微睡み、酵素をよく摂取すること)


ヒアルロン酸。 里芋から生成
エラスチン。 鰹、牛、豚
コラーゲン。 鶏かわとビタミンC


NAD+の前駆物質NMNの原料 ビタミンB3 ナイアシン







 ヘムの増産 ALA アミノレブリン酸。黒酢、赤ワイン、たこ、バナナ、納豆、ピーマン、ほうれん草












 『脳を沈静化 脳神経細胞修復 テロメア伸長』



 ルテイン ほうれん草

 アントシアニン ニンジン、黒豆、茄子、ブルーベリー



















若返り研究所資料 監修 千田寛仁








"Rejuvenation Research Institute materials"

I think the most worrisome thing for everyone is their appearance. So I teach meditation first so that I can get rid of stress and not get grimacing.

When meditating, it is important to keep it around the 7th minute of the belly. Don't eat too much sugar. Moderate restriction of sugars and carbohydrates leads to activation of the sirtuin (NAD-dependent histone deacetylase) gene and even longer lifespan. By frequently ingesting soy products such as cheese and natto, the essential amino acid tryptophan, which is an ingredient, becomes serotonin and then melatonin. The sedation of the brain protects the gene chromosome terminal telomere, and the anterior pituitary gland secretes rejuvenating hormone at night and at the timing of sleep. Cheese and soy products are good for producing serotonin, melatonin, and rejuvenating hormone (growth hormone) secreted from the anterior pituitary gland while sleeping.

Calorie restriction produces an enzyme that protects genes from active oxygen. It strengthens the linkage of all genes and protects them from the damage caused by active oxygen and ultraviolet rays that cause aging.
Resveratrol to increase sir2. It is found in red grape skin, peanut skin, apple skin, onion skin, etc.

* Sirt1, sier2 = The sirtuin gene is a histone deacetylase and longevity gene.

Excessive sugar intake reduces the transmitter insulin hormone and mitochondria. Too much sugar can cause poor circulation. The energy factory of cells is mitochondria. Mitochondria generate active oxygen as they age. To stop this, calorie restriction and increase sir2.
Meditation is all you have to do is to sit in a chair or lie down and have "time to think nothing". Therefore, when the brain is calmed down, serotonin is secreted from the dorsal raphe nuclei, the brain relaxes, and melatonin is secreted from the pineal gland of the brain, causing drowsiness and nerve cells in the brain. It is repaired, and the hippocampus of the storage device and the frontal lobe of the thinking part are repaired.

Hippocampus, cerebellum, spinocerebellar and basal ganglia cerebellar "neurons (medium-sized spiny" Yuushi "nerve cells) and Purkinje cells" increase when the brain is sedated.

The weakening of the brain is the weakening of the body and mind, so the first thing to say is the repair of the brain by meditation.

A little sleepiness, REM sleep, drowsiness and twilight are the time to repair the body and mind.

People ask what the rejuvenating substance is. This has already been answered. The rejuvenating substance is called vitamin B3 and another name is niacin. I often use it in energy drinks such as "Zone".

Foods rich in niacin include peanuts, avocados, and dried maitake mushroomsbonito, bonito, salmon and fish. Coffee contains niacin if you just drink a little. The best time to take niacin is during the day.

In technical terms, the rejuvenating substance is called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). sirt1 (NAD activates the sirtuin gene) functions as a NAD + -dependent protein deacetylase. It is a substance produced from nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), and when it is revealed, the raw material is vitamin B3 (niacin).

NMN acts on the life support center of the hypothalamus, and by its action, acts on various skeletal muscles, internal organs, cells, mitochondria, vascular nerves, nerves, response proteins (signal substances), etc. necessary for life support.

Also, cherry blossom extract is effective for removing wrinkles and sagging without surgery. Cherry blossoms are plants of the Rosaceae family and contain cafe oil glucose (phenylpropanoid glycoside) and quercetin glucoside (flavonoid glycoside). The one that contains these ingredients is the cherry blossom extract. Cherry blossom extract has an anti-glycation effect.

About food and drink for rejuvenation.

"Necessary for gene repair. Silicon hole. There is a black hole in the silicon atom. We will ask you to send repair data of another dimension from the black hole. Silicon is also a nutrient for the basic organisms and mitochondria that assemble genes. 

silicon. Brown rice, potato root vegetables, wakame hijiki seaweed.

"Hydrogen, zinc, and phosphorus are the three elements of gene binding"

hydrogen. Generated by the body from milk, or hydrogen water generator (gene repair, gene binding, cells, mitochondria, amino acids, removal of bad active oxygen, removal of viruses)
zinc. Koya tofu, cocoa, eggs, natto (natto prevents blood clots. It also contains zinc and iron, so it acts on mitochondria and leads to diet.)
Rin. Tofu, eggs, natto


Bifidobacterium. oligosaccharide
enzyme. White miso, pickled plums, pears (to protect telomeres, sleep well for cell division, and take in enzymes well)

"Moisturizing ingredient"

hyaluronic acid. Generated from taro
Elastin. Bonito, beef, pork
collagen. Chicken Kawa and Vitamin C

"Rejuvenating ingredient"

Nicotinamide mononucleotide NMN.chicken breast,

Dried Maitake mushrooms, avocado, peanuts, bonito, salmon and fish
(NMN acts on the pituitary gland to restore neurotransmitter circuits)
NAD + precursor NMN raw material Vitamin B3 niacin

Resveratrol. Red grape skin that activates Sirt2

"Growth hormone / rejuvenation hormone secretion"

Arginine, zinc. Good sleep by ingesting soy products and natto


*Tryptophan contained in soy products and cheese is required as a set for niacin, a rejuvenating ingredient, to be synthesized in the body.

"Mitochondrial activity / Slim"

Increased heme production ALA Aminolevulinic acid. Black vinegar, red wine, octopus, banana, natto, Bell peppers, spinach

"Prevention of wrinkles and sagging, prevention of saccharification"

Cherry blossom extract(If not available, the following two types of nutrients)

Café oil Glucose(Phenylpropanoid glycoside) type. Coffee, perilla, Leaf wasabi, Phenylpropanoid is abundant in fig leaves

Quercetin glucoside(Flavonoid glycoside). Onion skin (onion skin tea), apple skin

Similarly, prevention of saccharification (fermented tea after Houttuynia cordata + persimmon leaf tea + guava tea)

"Toxin excretion"

Vegetable dietary fiber

"Discharging waste products from the brain"

Curcumin. Curry, turmeric

"60% of the brain is oil, and the cell membrane is oil. Observing and obtaining good quality oil improves the biological function as a receiver. 

oil. Sesame oil, flaxseed oil

"Soothing the brain, repairing brain nerve cells, elongating telomeres"

Gamma-aminobutyric acid. White miso,Banana

"Improve your eyesight"

Lutein spinach

Anthocyanins Carrots, black beans, eggplants, blueberries

"Substances that bring happiness to humans"

Serotonin (essential amino acid tryptophan, produced from lecithin "soybeans, cheese and meat") → Melatonin produced from serotonin.

Melatonin is necessary for Zen and sleep.

Liver, eel, mackerel, perilla, and celery secrete the euphoric substance oxytocin from the posterior pituitary. Compassion and contact.

Zen does not think. Just like when you have a doctor examine your body and soul, taking on the challenge with a sincere attitude will lead to the success of Zen. Success is physical and mental repair and rejuvenation. Practice and understand. Training is Zen, and enlightenment is Zen.

Recommendation of zazen, recommendation of sleeping zen, theta wave REM different dimension communication by acoustic wave.

Rejuvenation depending on frequency

7 Hz is brain nerve cell repair. 72.19 Hertz extends gene chromosome terminal telomeres (cell division coupons)

When I asked what the frequency of cherry blossoms was by the color of the flowers, I thought it was 1000Hz. By intentionally listening to 1000Hz sine waves or music, it is thought that there is an effect on rejuvenation.

● Release thoughts and emotions(meditation)

● Nutrition

● Sit with your eyes down (or synchronize with 4Hz-8Hz theta wave sound)

● Release thoughts and emotions(meditation)

● Data-sensitive exchange

● Repair of body and mind

Above all, just in case. Prayer,It is love.

Trimmer oligonucleotides that evade mRNA stop codons and GLS1 inhibitors that eliminate senescent cells are omitted in this report.

Rejuvenation Research Institute materials supervised by Hirohito Tida

