
My name is Grace. I’m thirteen, and I’ve been homeschooled since kindergarten. I really appreciate your podcast. Politics can be difficult for me to fully understand, but the way you present ideas makes it easier to grasp. My younger sister and I recently started watching the online Hillsdale College course regarding the Constitution, which we’ve been enjoying. So this is my question to you: What advice do you have for me as I move into adulthood in order to become a more informed and involved citizen?


Charlie Kirk:

Well, first of all, thank you for being here. And I have hope thanks to people like you. How old are you again?





Charlie Kirk:

Thirteen. So, here are a couple of things I want to encourage you to do. Learn something every single day, and focus on what it means to be a good person and a person of strong character. Especially when you get into the world of trying to gain social approval and everything around you, courage is what’s missing in our country. We have a courage crisis right now. Moral courage is the most necessary yet absent characteristic in men. George S. Patton and Aristotle, who you will learn about if you continue with the wonderful Hillsdale courses, and I’m glad you’re already taking them. You’re already well on your way. Aristotle said that courage is the ultimate virtue; without it, there are no other virtues. Think about that. If people aren’t courageous, you don’t have honesty. You don’t have justice. You don’t have anything else. You don’t have beauty. You don’t have wonder if people don’t have the courage to act. And so, at age thirteen, I want you to commit yourself to a life of courage. Courage is doing the right thing when you don’t know how it’s going to work out. Courage is committing yourself to the correct course of action, regardless of the cost associated with it. And I’m given hope by the number of young homeschooling children that are rising up in our country. Let me tell you this. People say, “Charlie, what does success look like?” New York Times’ headline in 2050: America’s sudden shocking and inexplicable right turn can be traced back to the homeschooling explosion during COVID-19. That’s what success looks like, everybody….
















For deeper understanding.




1.    パンデミックの影響



2.    学校環境への懸念



3.    教育のカスタマイズ



4.    学業成績の向上


