
You're in Italy? You idiot! The Italians have a warrant out for your arrest, remember? I don't care how great your mechanic is over there. You get back home, you hear me? I don't want to yell at you, Marco. But if you keep acting so pig-headed, you're going to end up dead, I can't bear to go to another pilot's funeral. Come home, will you?


(Explanation: Gene is expressing her deep concern and emotions. She mentions that she has experienced the deaths of other pilots in the past, likely friends or colleagues who were also combat pilots. She's conveying her fear that if Marco continues to stay in Italy and engage in combat, it might result in another tragic loss of life among their fellow pilots.)



Sorry, baby. Got to fly.


(Explanation: Marco offers a brief apology but remains determined to continue flying. Despite Gene's concerns and requests, Marco prioritizes his passion for flying.)


have a warrant out

have somethig adjectiveは「何かを形容詞の状態にする」という意味になります。warrantには色々な意味がありますが、この文脈では「令状」という意味で使われています。ここでのoutは形容詞として機能しており「外にある」という意味になります。have a warrant outで「令状が外にある状態にする」「令状が発行された状態にする」という意味になります。以下にhave something adjectiveのかたちをいくつか示します。


I have my hair cut every month.

(This means that I cause my hair to be cut every month.)


She had the walls painted a different color. 

(This means that she caused the walls to be painted a different color.)


We had the car fixed by a mechanic. 

(This means that we caused the car to be fixed by a mechanic.)




イタリアにいる?馬鹿なの?イタリア人が逮捕状を出していることくらい知っているでしょ。そっちの修理屋がどれだけ優秀かなんてどうでもいいことよ。すぐに帰ってきて。聞いてる、マルコ? あたなに怒鳴りたくないけど、そんな意固地なことを続けていたら、いつか死んじゃうわ。また飛行機乗りの葬式に行くなんて耐えられない。帰ってきてね?」






