This armed thief is about to get shot by a mother after targeting the kids. He tried to rob the children outside a school, but a mother who was there drew her gun and shot at him. She quickly disarmed the man and stopped him from moving. She put him on the ground until reinforcements came to the scene, giving everyone else time to run away. It turned out that this woman was an off-duty police officer.


get shot by someone.

getは動詞で「何々という状態になる」という意味です。shotはshootの過去分詞形で、ここでは形容詞として機能しており「撃たれた」という意味になります。この文章はSVC文型に分類され、get shot by somebodyで「誰かに撃たれた状態になる」つまり「撃たれる」という意味になります。


