The Great Salt Lake – a large US lake known for its high salt content – could disappear within five years, scientists warn. Normally, the lake undergoes some evaporation during summer, but it recovers after being fed by melting snow from nearby mountains. Dramatic population growth in surrounding area, however, means more water is being diverted away from the rivers that carry this snowmelt to the lake and directed instead toward businesses, residences, and farmland. Rising temperatures due to climate change exacerbate the problem, as the increased heat means more mountain snow turn directly into water vapor rather than melting.


Scientists are worried about the lake’s diminishing water level. For one, the salt content is becoming too concentrated for the lake to support local insects and prey animals. This then endangers the millions of birds that feed on them. Perhaps the greatest concern, however, is that the lake bed contains toxic metals left over from past mining activity. Without water covering the lake bed, dust containing these metals could become airborne and put local residents at risk of respiratory diseases and cancers. According to scientist, drastically reducing local water consumption is vital to avoiding a catastrophe.





be diverted away from something.

divertは「逸脱させる」という意味で、その受動態のbe divertedは「逸脱させられる」という意味となります。その次に置かれているawayは副詞として、be divertedを修飾し、「遠く離れて」しまった状態を表しています。fromは前置詞として、主語が本来は何のために使われていたのかを導いています。


以下にbe diverted away fromという表現を使った例文をいくつか示します。


His attention was diverted away from his studies by the constant noise outside.(彼の注意が逸らされて勉強の妨げとなったのは絶え間ない騒音が外で起きていたからだ。)彼の注意は本来勉強に注がれるべきだったが、騒音によって散漫となった様子を表しています。


The project was diverted away from its original purpose due to budget constraints.(そのプロジェクトが本来の目的から大きく逸れてしまったのは、予算の制約があったからだ。)そのプロジェクトは元々あった目的に沿って遂行されるべきであったが、予算の制約のせいで、違うかたちになってしまった様子を表しています。


feed on.

feedは他動詞として機能する場合は「餌を与える」という意味ですが、自動詞として使われる場合は「餌を食べる」という意味になります。それに続くonは前置詞で餌を食べる行為が何に対して行われるのかを導いています。したがってfeed on somethingで「何かを食べる」という意味になります。


become airborne. 

becomeは、become+形容詞のかたちで、「形容詞の状態になる」という意味を表します。 airborneは「空中に浮遊している状態」を表す形容詞です。したがってbecome airborneで「空中に浮遊している状態になる」という意味になります。


Question one.

According to the speaker, what is one problem facing the Great Salt Lake?

1. Farming practices are polluting the local area.

2. Less water is coming down from the mountains.

3. Private landowners are blocking public access to it.

4. Too much of its salt is being removed.


Question two.

What is one concern that scientists have with regard to the lake?

1. Birds are causing changes to the ecosystem.

2. Various pets could increase in number.

3. Mining activity could damage the lake bed.

4. People could be exposed to harmful substances.


Question one 解説

1. Farming practices are polluting the local area.



2. Less water is coming down from the mountains.



3. Private landowners are blocking public access to it.

文章のなかではprivate landowners(民間の土地所有者)に関しては一切言及していません。したがって、この選択肢は誤りです。


4. Too much of its salt is being removed.



Question two 解説

1. Birds are causing changes to the ecosystem.



2.    Various pets could increase in number.



3.    Mining activity could damage the lake bed.

過去に行ったmining activity(採掘作業)によってもたらされたのは人体にとって有害な金属です。mining activity(採掘作業)が湖底に損害を与えたとは書いてありません。したがって、この選択肢は誤りです。


4.    People could be exposed to harmful substances.



