Welcome to “Word of the Day with Lance Conrad.” Today’s word is “surreptitious.” Let me tell you a story. 


"Surreptitious" means that it’s done, made, or acquired in secret. The root of this word is from the Latin “surreptus,” meaning to steal secretly. So, a surreptitious action is one that you don’t want others to discover.


Carl Friedrich Gauss was one of the greatest mathematicians who ever lived. He had mastered calculus by the end of elementary school and was already publishing new material in mathematics by twenty-one. The world was looking to him as a rising star. Unfortunately, fame didn’t appeal to Gauss, and he stopped doing much of anything in public. He started working surreptitiously, not publishing any of his findings. Because of his former glory, lots of brilliant mathematicians would seek him out and tell him of new discoveries they had made. Every single time he would smile and nod and tell them that he had already made that discovery years before but hadn't told anybody. As you might imagine, people got really frustrated and criticized him for his attempts to steal the glory from everybody else. Gauss didn’t even argue with them and continued his surreptitious lifestyle until his death in 1855.


When they went to clean out his old house, they discovered two things. First of all, he had surreptitiously hidden away a substantial fortune in cash, stashing it away all over the building. However, an even greater treasure was found when they started going through his huge collection of notebooks. They discovered not only had he discovered everything else all the other mathematicians had been working on, long before they had, he had also gone far, far beyond them, jumping the field of mathematics forward by decades.





stop doing much of anything.

stopは「やめる」という意味を表す動詞です。doingは「今まさに何かをしている」「繰り返し何かをしている」という意味を表す動名詞です。stop doingで「今まさにしていることや習慣的に行っていることをやめる」という意味になります。muchは「たくさん」という意味の名詞で、anythingは「どんなこと」という意味の名詞です。much of anythingの中で使われているofはmuchとanythingを結びつけていますが、muchは割合を表し、anythingは母体を表しています。つまりmuch of anythingとは「どんなことについてもその多くの部分」という意味になります。



過去のある時点において、その時点から見た将来に向かって、何かをしようとしていた場合、wouldを使うことが出来ます。”Because of his former glory, lots of brilliant mathematicians would seek him out and tell him of new discoveries they had made”.という文章の中で使われているwouldは「過去における意思」を表しています。ここで使われているwouldはwas trying toで置き換える事が出来ます。



wouldは、過去において、ある行為がよく行われていた場合にも使うことが出来ます。”Every single time he would smile and nod and tell them that he had already made that discovery years before but hadn't told anybody”.という文章の中で使われているwouldは「過去における反復的な出来事」を表しています。ここで使われているwouldはused toやwas accustomed toで置き換える事が出来ます。


go through. 

go throughは「通り抜ける」という意味ですが、そこから転じて「注意深く調べる」「徹底的に調べる」という意味で使われる場合があります。


主語+not only+動詞1, 主語+also+動詞2.

They discovered not only had he discovered...という文章の骨格部分はThey discovered that(彼らはthat以下のことを発見した。)です。そして、that以下の部分は主語+not only+動詞1, 主語+also+動詞2(主語は動詞1をしただけでなく、主語は動詞2もした。)というかたちになっています。更に、主語+not only+動詞の部分では、not onlyが文頭に来て、he hadの語順が入れ替わってhad heとなるという倒置が起きています。 


long before they had.

long before they hadの部分で使われているlongは副詞です。接続詞のbeforeを修飾して、前というのがどのくらい前なのかを表しています。long before they had discoveredは「彼らが発見するよりもずっと前に」という意味になります。longの部分には、具体的な時間の長さを表す言葉を置いて、ten years before they had discovered(彼らが発見する10年以上前に)などと言うことも出来ます。この場合のten daysは名詞ではなく副詞として機能しています。








