Japan and China held an "expert dialogue" on Saturday over Japan's release of treated radioactive wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, in their latest effort to address the dispute about the issue.


During the talks in Dalian, northeastern China, the Japanese side explained their belief that the water release is safe and detailed ongoing radiation monitoring activities. China has upheld an import ban on all seafood products from Japan in response to the multiple discharges that began in August last year.


According to the Japanese Foreign Ministry, it is the first Japan-China expert dialogue on the treated water, even though the two countries have communicated on the issue at various levels.


From Japan, the meeting was joined by officials from the Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Nuclear Regulation Authority and Fukushima Daiichi plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.


(From Kyodo)





addressという言葉には「注意や努力を特定の方向に向ける」という核になる意味合いがあり、そこから派生して色々な文脈で使われます。以下にいくつか例文を示します。 例文:- The company needs to address the issue of employee turnover.(会社は従業員の離職率問題に正面から向き合う必要がある。) - The speaker addressed the audience on the importance of education.(講演者は聴衆に向かって教育の重要性を説いた。) - She addressed her letter to her grandmother.(彼女は祖母宛てに手紙を書いた。)類義語は以下の通りです。 類義語:direct, aim, focus, deal with, handle.






文章の中にandがある場合は、andが結びつける二つの同じ形を見つけるのが、文章を読むコツとなります。この文章の基本構造は、主語+explained+名詞A and 名詞B、となります。名詞Aに相当するのはtheir beliefで名詞Bに相当するのはactivitiesです。


