As a health worker you will find that the success you have in improving your people’s health will depend far more on your skills as a teacher than on your medical or technical knowledge. For only when the whole community is involved and works together can big problems be overcome.


People do not learn much from what they are told. They learn from what they think, feel, discuss, see and do together.


So the good teacher does not sit behind a desk and talk at people. He talks and works with them. He helps his people to think clearly about their needs and to find suitable ways to meet them. He looks for every opportunity to share ideas in an open and friendly way.


Perhaps the most important thing you can do as a health worker is to awaken your people to their own possibilities, to help them gain confidence in themselves. Sometimes villagers do not change things they do not like because they do not try. Too often may think of themselves as ignorant and powerless. But they are not. Most villages, including those who cannot read or write, have remarkable knowledge and skills. They already make great changes in their surroundings with the tools they use, the land they farm, and the things they build. They can do many important things that people with a lot of schooling cannot.


If you can help people to realize how much they already know and have done to change their surroundings, they may also realize they can learn and do even more. By working together it is within their power to bring about even bigger changes for their health and well-being.


Then how do you tell people these things?


Often you cannot! But you can help them to find out some of these things for themselves by bringing them together for discussion. Say little yourself, but start the discussions by asking certain questions.


問題を解くためのポイント:for only when S+V.

for only when S+Vというかたちの文章において、forは理由を表し、onlyは条件を限定し、when S+Vは主節が起きる時の条件を示しています。for only when S+Vで「何々する時だけという理由で」という意味を表します。今回の例文では、the whole communityが主語で、それを受ける動詞が、一つはbe動詞(be involved)で、もう一つが一般動詞(works)であることも、文章を判りづらくさせています。更に、worksは名詞として使われる場合と動詞として使われる場合があり、そのことも英語学習者を混乱させる要因の一つになっています。もし仮にFor only when the whole community is involved and when the whole community works togetherとなっていれば容易に読み進めることが出来るのですが。



文頭に否定的な意味合いの副詞が来た場合、主節で倒置が起きる、というルールがあります。もし仮に、主節の前にカンマが置かれて、更に普通の語順でbig problems can be overcomeと書かれていたとすれば、この文章は容易に解釈できます。疑問文ではないのに、主語と助動詞が入れ替わっており、そのことだけで文章の難易度が上がっています。


問題を解くためのポイント: because they do not try

health workerの話なのかと思って読み進めるとteacherの話が出て来て、そして、いきなりvillagersに話が飛びます。とても分かりづらい文章だと思います。またbecause they do not tryの部分が解釈しづらくなっています。もしbecause they do not want to tryとなっていれば、容易に解釈できると思うのですが。

