CNN — Major League Baseball and the Internal Revenue Service are investigating amid allegations surrounding Los Angeles Dodgers two-way star Shohei Ohtani and his longtime interpreter Ippei Mizuhara.


The investigations are underway just two days after Mizuhara, a longtime interpreter for the Japanese baseball superstar, was fired after the player’s lawyers accused him of “massive theft” of millions of dollars and placing bets with a bookmaker under federal investigation, according to ESPN and the Los Angeles Times, which first reported the story.


“Major League Baseball has been gathering information since we learned about the allegations involving Shohei Ohtani and Ippei Mizuhari from the news media,” the league said in a news release. “Earlier today, our Department of Investigations (DOI) began their formal process investigating the matter.”


(From CNN)


文章を読むためのポイント:the Internal Revenue Service



文章を読むためのポイント:accuse somebody of something.

accuseは「告発する」という意味です。 accuse+告発する相手の名前+of+犯罪の内容という形にして「誰かを何かの罪で告発する」という意味になります。accuse somebody of+名詞またはaccuse somebody of+動名詞の形を取ります。以下にいくつか例文を示します。例文:- He accused her of stealing his money. (彼は彼女が彼のお金を盗んだと非難した。)- The police accused him of murder. (警察は彼を殺人の犯人と告発した。)- She was accused of lying to the court. (彼女は法廷で嘘をついたと非難された。)- I didn't accuse him of anything. I just asked him a question. (私は彼を非難していな。ただ質問しただけだ。)accuse は、必ずしも相手が実際に悪いことをしたことを意味するわけではありません。単に、非難しているという状況を表すために使用されます。類義語:blame, charge, criticize, denounce, indict, incriminate, reproach, reprove. 対義語:acquit, defend, exonerate, justify, vindicate.


