Hey! Welcome to today’s English vocabulary lesson. Now, before we jump into our lesson for today, I want to let you know the Daily English Vocabulary Book Number One is available. The next 30 lessons that I’ll teach you about vocabulary come directly from this e-book. So, you need to get your copy now in order to follow along with the next 30 lessons. All you have to do is go to www.studywithtiffany.com, then you’ll see Daily English Vocabulary Book Number One. Get your copy, and you’ll be able to follow along with the next 30 lessons. So, once again, go to www.studywithtiffany.com and get your copy of Daily English Vocabulary Book Number One.


"Are you ready? Well, then, I am Teacher Tiffany. Let’s jump right in. All right, so, our vocabulary word for today is 'abate.' Now, before I get into the vocabulary word, I am going to set a timer. These lessons are quick lessons to help you on a daily basis learn English vocabulary. So, I’m hitting the timer — the three-minute timer. Here we go! All right, so, 'abate,' I want you to repeat after me for pronunciation practice. 'Abate.' Good job again. 'Abate.' Excellent! Last time, top lip and bottom lip together, and pull them in. 'Abate.' Excellent! All right, now, the word 'abate' just means to lessen or to subside. Again, to lessen or subside. It means something decreases, and this is something you can use when someone is really angry.


For example, we got a little story time. Here we go.


So, I want you to think about two individuals, Mark and Samantha. Now Mark and Samantha are close friends, but you know, sometimes close friends can get on each other’s nerves, and this day Samantha told Mark, 'Mark, I’m not really feeling good today, so I don’t really want to play around with you.' Mark was very playful, but Mark was not paying attention to what Samantha was saying. So, as they were walking down the hall in their school, Mark decided to push Samantha. Samantha had already told him, 'Mark, please don’t play with me today. I’m not in a good mood.' And when Mark pushed her, Samantha’s blood started to boil. Samantha got extremely angry and she started yelling at Mark. 'Mark, I told you to leave me alone!' And then she stormed off down the hallway and she left Mark. Mark was stunned, he was shocked. Samantha had never yelled at him like that in public. Another one of Mark’s friends walked up to him and said, 'Hey, Mark, Samantha’s really upset.' Mark said, 'I know. What do I do? I want to go and talk to her.' But this friend said, 'Listen, Mark, you need to let Samantha’s anger abate.' Once she has calmed down, once she’s not as angry, then you’ll be able to talk to her. So, Mark decided to let Samantha’s anger abate before he talked to her.


Huh, huh? You understand, right? Good! All right, now let me give you an example sentence so you can know how to use it in real life. Here’s the example sentence. In time his anger will abate and he will forgive you. Make sense? One more time. In time his anger will abate and he will forgive you. Make sense, right? Excellent! All right. So, again, this word 'abate' just means to lessen or to subside. Many times in English, we use it when we’re speaking about someone being angry and wanting them to calm down and not be as angry. All right. Excellent job! Now I want to remind you to get your copy before we move on to the next lesson again for tomorrow. So, get your copy of Daily English Vocabulary Book Number One from www.studywithtiffany.com, and I will see you next time. Have a wonderful day!




abateは、「弱める」「和らげる」「減少させる」という意味を持つ動詞です。abateは、名詞形として「減衰」「軽減」という意味もあります。abateは、発音記号は /əˈbeɪt/ です。


1. 勢い・強度・苦痛などを弱める

The storm finally abated after raging for hours.


The doctor prescribed pain medication to abate the patient's suffering.


The government took measures to abate pollution in the city.



2. 洪水・熱・怒りなどがひく

The floodwaters abated slowly, leaving behind a trail of destruction.


Her fever finally abated after a few days.


His anger abated after he had a chance to calm down.



3. 訴訟を却下する、令状などを無効にする

The judge abated the nuisance lawsuit against the neighbor.


The warrant was abated due to a lack of probable cause.



4. 類義語






