King Charles has been diagnosed with a form of cancer, says Buckingham Palace. The type of cancer has not been revealed - it is not prostate cancer, but was discovered during his recent treatment for an enlarged prostate. The King began "regular treatments" on Monday and will postpone public duties during it, the Palace said. The Monarch, 75, "remains wholly positive about his treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible," it added.


(From BBC)


文章を読むためのポイント:a form of cancer. 

a cancerという表現は、一般的にがんという病気を指しますが、具体的な種類や形態は明示されていません。例えば、"A cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells grow uncontrollably." (がんとは、異常な細胞が制御不能に増殖する病気です。)、などと言ったりします。 一方、a form of cancerという場合は、特定のがんの種類や形態を指します。例えば、"Lung cancer is a form of cancer that starts in the lungs." (肺がんは、肺に発生するがんの一種です。) ”There are many different forms of cancer, each with its own unique set of symptoms and treatment options." (がんにはさまざまな種類があり、それぞれに特有の症状や治療法があります。)、などと言ったりします。つまり、a cancerは一般的ながんを指し、a form of cancerは特定のがんの種類や形態を指すことになります。


