The stock market is fluctuating wildly.
Experts tell us to calm down, don't be happy or sad...
Either way, the public is bound to lose this gamble.

Sometimes there are people who brag to people that they have made a lot of money in the stock market.
That is very similar to people who occasionally win big in pachinko.
In other words, they never tell people that they have lost a lot of money in total.

I've done it too, but first of all, mutual funds are suspicious.
When you buy one, you receive a document with articles of incorporation that you don't want to read.
But this was originally designed to avoid the liability of the company handling the trust.

Firstly, a ‘trust’ means ‘leaving it’ to ‘experts’.
Leaving it in the hands of a complete stranger is dangerous.
Besides, calling someone an ‘expert’ does not necessarily mean that they will bring you profits.

The trader can blame the stock market crash if they fail to make a profit.
They can make any number of excuses, such as because the US economy has caught a cold.
It was always the buyer's own fault and the trader does not have to take responsibility.

Even if there is an unprecedented stock market rally of all time, which seems to be a bubble, dividends do not go up.
Even when firms successfully make large profits, they are not allowed to pass them on to shareholders.
Investors are made to understand this, but of course they are skimmed off with high commissions.

In such a lax gambling world, they are trying to siphon off the public's precious money.
Not only the general public, but even children's money is being taken from them under the guise of ‘financial education’.
The government and the Ministry of Education endorse and support this.

The term ‘stockbroker’ was used in the past as a derogatory term to look down on securities companies and their employees.
Deputy Prime Minister Aso once said, ‘Stockbrokers are not to be trusted. Unlike deposits, being a stockbroker is suspicious in the countryside’.
But the banks, no longer profitable, are now making a living off the backs of the stockbrokers.

To put it in a worse way, real estate agents and stockbrokers cannot survive without skimming off the common people's money.
It is impossible for the common people to make a good deal on property and shares and for the traders to make a lot of money.
No matter what, the interests of both parties are in conflict, and the common people are bound to be taken advantage of and cheated.
The proof is that the traders come to you with a smile and a flat face, and when you pay them, they don't even know you're there.

The mechanism of capitalism is that banks and securities firms first siphon off and collect the money earned by the public.
By ‘managing’ it, they skim the profits and fees before long.
Then, after a Black Monday or a depression, the assets of the general public are ‘wiped out’ in one fell swoop.
The cycle repeats itself.

The system has always been structured in such a way that the general public is cheated and loses money.
And there is not as much downfall as one might think.
The realisation of the American dream is no different from the probability of winning the lottery.