With the declining birthrate, the population of 18-year-olds has naturally decreased.
It is about half of what it was 30 years ago.
Although the percentage of students going on to college is increasing, there will be a surplus of 240 colleges and universities in the future.

The national government has already abandoned the idea of a national university system by incorporating national universities in 2004.
As one would expect, the national government has been predicting the future well.
The private universities were already running out of money, and they could not turn their backs on the government.

Private universities, on the verge of bankruptcy, were quick to begin marketing activities to recruit students.
They called it "open campus" and tried to attract young people.
They are even trying to broaden their target to include working people and turn them into students.

In addition, they forced teachers to attend university by making teaching licenses renewable like driver's licenses.
The Ministry of Education and the universities have colluded to force the universities to make money.
The scheme fell apart in a flash as the number of teachers plummeted due to the blackening of schools.

Since the Meiji era, those who graduated from the imperial universities have risen through the ranks and received high positions and salaries.
It was only natural that Japanese parents and children from all over the country would be desperate to enter an imperial university.
University entrance became the "Kakyo" system, which has continued to this day under the guise of "fair" competition.

Because of the banner of "fair" competition, people can now overtly discriminate against others based on their "academic backgrounds.
A new status system was born and has spread.
People create people above people and people below people.

However, in actual economic society, this new status system has become less and less effective.
Since actual society is all about profit and loss, it does not always bow down to the indignities of higher education.
It is no longer paying off for the sacrifices that have been made during the important years of a child's childhood.

The college-going fever has already cooled off, but people don't have to go anymore.
After all, tuition fees are high! Even the University of Tokyo and Waseda-Keio are planning to raise their prices now.
Brand-name universities are good, aren't they? Even if they raise the fees, there will be plenty of people with money to come.

Even if you don't go to university, you can learn as much as you want nowadays. Even advanced expertise.
Corona proved that, didn't it? You don't have to go to campus to listen to boring lectures.
The main purpose of students is to socialize and play with their peers, but unfortunately, they couldn't do that, could they?

The university's role is over now.
The money eating university should be completely eliminated!
Parents will be saved, the government will be saved, and children will not have to "study" for meaningless examinations.

This is what we call "three-way goodness.