Arnold-Nobel's "Letters" is a masterpiece and has been in elementary school Japanese language textbooks for years.
It is in the 2nd grade of Mitsumura, so most of the people in the nation must have studied it.

Mr. Toad was always sad because he had never received a letter.
If I may be so bold as to say so, isn't that the result of Mr. Toad's friendships?
Besides, if he didn't write to his friends, they wouldn't write to him.

Mr.Frog, who is very kind, wrote his own letter and addressed it to Mr. Toad.
If I say something unnecessary again, it may be unnecessary help, right? Too much support can lead to dependence.
Mr. Toad might not want to write a letter by himself.

In today's society, paper letters are becoming rare.
Paper letters from friends and acquaintances are nearly extinct.
All we get are direct mails from business and boring publicity from government offices.

When I open my computer, Outlook is piled high with spag mail.
People who are trying to fleece good people and the elderly are springing up like poop.
Even though I live in the Kansai region, I get persistent bills from the Tokyo Electric Power Company.

The "letters" are no longer the kind of letters that Mr. Toad waits for, and most of them have become garbage.
And it is hard to clean up the garbage every day.

It is also hard to find important mail that I need.
In the process of deleting spag mail, I accidentally delete important mail.

The cost of stamps is going up this year because people are not sending letters and postcards anymore.
But no matter how bad the handwriting is, a letter/postcard in flesh is the best mail.
If you all have free time, why don't you write letters/postcards for the first time in a long time?