All phenomena and things on earth are in balance.
First, the fact that we are not thrown out into space is due to the miraculous and delicate balance between the universal gravitation and the centrifugal force caused by the rotation of the earth.

We are able to walk and run because we use our muscles and skeleton to maintain a delicate balance of forces.
When that balance is lost...well, we fall. We get hurt.

Airplane flight is also made possible by the delicate balance between the lift created by the wings and gravity.
Successful takeoffs and landings are achieved by delicately controlling the balance between the two.
The plane also moves from side to side by delicately changing the balance of the lift produced by both wings.

The seesaw can also be enjoyed by slightly shifting one of them back and forth to eliminate the imbalance caused by the difference in weight.
It is bullying to intentionally create an imbalance and leave the other person up in the air.

Men and women are also in a delicate balance.
If both parties are strong and aggressive, they will fight constantly and break up sooner or later.
If one is aggressive and the other is passive, at least the relationship will last a long time.

In a company, if there is a strong subordinate who casually refuses a boss's invitation for a drink, the boss will take revenge by treating the subordinate coldly and dryly to strike a balance.
If the subordinate is willing to go along with the boss, the boss will buy him a drink in return and treat him well.

In schools where children are domineering and parents are monsters, teachers maintain balance by abandoning the love between teacher and student.
The educational world finally returns to its bleak default state and starts over.

In relationships, if you are too nice, you will be taken advantage of.
If you are too hard, people will leave you and you will be lonely.
If you maintain a delicate balance between being too gentle and too tough, you will be able to create a good relationship.

However, being balanced and stable is a relief, but it is not fun.
It is when that balance is broken that new aspects and movements emerge.
All innovations in the world are born from a break in this balance.

The world's great men and geniuses who have revolutionized science and technology are all unbalanced and unbalanced people, and their families and friends are usually fed up with them.
The best companions and friends are those who are balanced, even if they are not interesting.