No matter what educational critics repeatedly say, no matter what the Ministry of Education persistently asks schools to report, the bullying problem has not been solved, but is on the rise.

The number of children and students who are not attending school continues to increase.
If all of them went back to school, the number of bullying incidents would surely double.
The phenomenon of truancy is inextricably linked to the bullying problem.

Large companies are forcing their subcontractors (now called subcontractors) to cut costs.
This has been going on for a long time, and even recently Nissan Motor had a problem with it.
In the construction industry, too, when it comes to subcontractors, nothing can be said.

Even among small and medium-sized firms, the discovery of employees does not stop.
It is out of bounds to demand a wage increase up front, and if one has the courage to do so, the next day the bullying begins in spectacular fashion.

The service industry, which accounts for 90% of small and medium-sized businesses, has never recovered from its low wage structure.
Under the threat that some companies will go out of business, the minimum wage still does not go below 1,000 yen.
The wages of non-regular workers are a bonus to the minimum wage, so they are as close to it as possible.

Even if the president of the company drives a brand new Mercedes Benz, or his son purchases all kinds of brand-name goods, the sheepish employees in Japan are not at all offended.
On the contrary, some  idiots of them are even impressed. 
There are many small and medium-sized companies that are hoarding their retained earnings.

I am sure there must be some local Lions club social gathering or something that is colluding behind the scenes, saying, "Let's keep the wages around here.
Because all the companies are paying similar wages.
Strangely enough, no one has ever been accused of cartelism.

In such a situation in the adult world, even if a diligent father works hard and a single mother works from morning to night as a temporary worker to the point of death, her life is not enriched and her family education has already been destroyed.

The reason why the problem of bullying among children has not been resolved is that adult society is structured exactly like a bully, and this has not changed at all.
As the saying goes, "Children are a mirror of their parents," and all the problems that occur in schools reflect the problems of their parents.

It is said that many of the bosses with annual incomes of 10 million yen or more are the ones who yell and scream at their staff who are in a weak position.
They are armed with a sense of righteousness that says, "I'm teaching them a lesson," and it is unmanageable.
Their children are surely enjoying bullying weaker children at school.