I am really aware that it has become a habit of mine.
Even if I don't want to drink or eat too much, I tend to drink or eat too much.

I am not a strong drinker, but when I get into the habit of drinking at night, I can't help but drink every night.
When I have a day when I can't drink due to a medical checkup, I feel somewhat deficient and irritable.
If I don't feel tipsy, I feel like I can't finish the day.

Once I get into the habit of having something sweet after dinner, I can't go without it.
If I don't happen to have something sweet to eat, I feel like I'm missing something.
So, to avoid running out of sweets, I tend to stock up on them.

In this way, extra amounts of alcohol and sugar are taken into the body every day, steadily damaging the liver, which is an organ that does not speak.
I know I know this, but I can't stop.

Then, I came up with a plan! 
Just when I was about to grab a can of beer or a candy bar,
"Do you really want it now?" I asked myself.

The problem is that we often drink and eat out of habit.
We often say things out of habit even when we don't really want them.
When I do, I mutter in my mind, "Do I really want it?, I can stop myself.

I'm a bit of a wimp at heart, so the stronger the public criticism of cigarettes becomes, the more I love them and the more I want to quit.
However, I often smoke out of habit or habit.

When I hold one of my cigarettes between my fingers, I ask myself, "Do I really want to smoke?" 
Then I realize that I don't really want to smoke.
Then there are times when I can put the cigarette back in the box and say, "Well, I guess I don't have to smoke..."

Do you really want it?" and "Yes, I really want it! then drinking, smoking, and eating sweets are all fine.
It is true that there are times when the body itself craves alcohol, cigarettes, and sweets.
At such times, alcohol, cigarettes, and sweets are truly delicious and full of flavor.

But "I still want it!" becomes everything and every time , it is an addiction and a disease.
Before becoming an addict, I want to be a person who can say to myself, "Wait a minute! 

A dog that can't "wait" is a stupid dog.