The way the general public spent Golden Week was marked by a marked tendency to save money.
No wonder.
Except for major blue-chip companies, salary hikes are not enough.
Prices of goods and services are on the upswing, and the price hikes are just a rush to get in on the action.
Japanese citizens are trying to defend themselves against high prices and inflation from their own standpoints.

Many gave up overseas travel and switched to domestic travel.
Even those who went abroad, some even took their own food with them (@_@)
For example, Hawaii has always been the most expensive place to live in the U.S. Just a small lunch now costs several thousand yen per person.
A glass of juice costs more than 500 yen.
Cooking for oneself in Hawaii" is not a laughing matter, but a wise consumption behavior.

Looking at Japan from the other side of the world, the people are trying to fight inflation with their wits.
First of all, they have cut back on the extravagant and wasteful spending.
They are selling the brand-name goods that they bought with extravagance during the bubble period.
That alone will save them a considerable amount of money, and they will not die from it.

The common people, who originally do not own brand-name goods, are competing with each other in their shopping efforts.
They check the fliers every day and buy groceries that are even one yen cheaper.
They buy Chinese cabbage, radishes, and cabbage cut in half or quarters.
They choose products with high points and try to use the points as much as possible.

Unfortunately for pensioners, the government is determined to make them poorer.
Ever heard of the term "macroeconomic indexing?"
It's a cool-sounding term, but it means that pension benefits will be kept below the rise in prices.
In other words, the old people are determined to become poor little by little without fail.

Many elderly people who live only on the national pension say they do not use air conditioners to save on electricity bills.
Naturally, the risk of heat stroke is high and far from a healthy life.
Even if they get sick, there are really people who cannot even go to the hospital due to lack of money.

After paying rent, utilities, and water bills, they have surprisingly little money to spend on food.
There are even some people who are able to survive by splitting instant ramen noodles into two to make two meals.
We cannot talk about nutritional balance.

It is said that Japan is in decline and will become economically jittery in the near future, but poverty is already widespread and deep within Japan.
The poor elderly, children, and the disabled inevitably have a weak position and voice in society.
They have no choice but to cut themselves down.

If the people's revenge on inflation succeeds, it will be a deflationary trend.
It will be possible to control the high prices of goods.
But more companies and stores will go bankrupt and more people may lose their jobs.
This is because the cost of raw materials will soar and many companies and stores will not be able to pass this on to their prices.

Hmmm...that's difficult!
Is it possible to resist, defend, and review against inflation in moderation?

But in such a situation, we should not take our eyes off those who are unwilling to let go of their vested interests or those who make a lot of money by successfully deceiving others.
In any age, only shameless people and unfairly fixed systems of society can produce  unfair profits.