The Japanese garden at the Adachi Museum of Art near Matsue is said to be the best in the world continuously.
Not a single weed, not a single leaf, not even a single drop.
The gardener here may have a mission in his work, but he is a true fastidious gardener.

I know people who are this fastidious.
There is a neighbor who keeps his trees trimmed so geometrically that it is hard to believe that they are garden trees.
It's good that he keeps his trees clean, but it's so perfect that it's kind of creepy to watch.

And today, that old man is polishing a white car again.
He polishes the surface of the paint as if he is peering through a microscope.
As I recall, he was polishing it the same way last week.
Is his goal to keep the beauty of a new car absolutely intact?

Of course, there are women who are fastidious.
When I visit a house, I find it spotlessly clean with not a speck of dust on it.
It is so clean that it is hard to believe that the house was cleaned only because guests came.
Japanese housewives are said to spend too much time on housework compared to housewives in other countries.

I am sure that people with this kind of fastidiousness also accomplish their work perfectly.
Fastidiousness is the pursuit of perfection. This type of person is often found among craftsmen.

This is a traditional tendency among Japanese people, and it is also a part of their quest to be the best in Japan.
It is also the reason why the country as a whole has achieved a high level of technology and has become an economic powerhouse.

However, when it comes to socializing with people, I have a hard time with those who are fastidious and particular.
There is no end to the amount of crap I hear about their obsession.
I wish they would keep their fastidiousness and obsession to themselves, but I feel like they can see through my laxity and won't forgive me.

Also, if a person who is fastidious and strives for perfection is the boss, no matter what happens, the subordinates will look stupid and lazy.
Many bosses who are accused of power harassment are likely to be of this type.
Now, the boss is afraid of being seen as a power harasser....

The yard is beautiful if there are a few fallen leaves and branches left uncut.
The car should not look like a brand new car, and it would be more comfortable to see it a little dirty.
I don't want my house to look like a garbage dump, but I feel safer if it is a little messy.
I feel at home when everything is 80-70 points, not 100 points.

When I look at people who are fastidious and strive for perfection, it reminds me of the steering wheel of a racing car.
That is, the car turns sharply left and right with just a slight turn of the steering wheel.
It performs well on a racing circuit, but on public roads it is very dangerous.

Life is just fine with a playful steering wheel.
That way we can drive safely on public roads without accidents, right?

Don't worry, Japanese people can never be like people from Latin countries even if they stand on their heads.
Even if you think they play a little too much, they are diligent enough by the world's standards.