Japan is a member of a liberal nation, especially after world war II, where the old traditional customs and practices have been cast aside one after another.
It is as if various values have gone into meltdown, and nowadays, almost everything is free for individuals except for crimes.

In this world, we are seeing more and more men "cross-dressing" in our daily lives.
On TV, there are many "okama," or female transvestites, who are very active.
Men are dressing up as women, not for entertainment, but because they want to do so in their daily lives.
And nowadays, there are almost no Japanese people who are bothered by them.

Why are Okamasan and cross-dressing accepted in Japan without resistance?
It may have something to do with the historical custom of "shudo," which has existed since the Warring States period (1467-1568).
Since women were not allowed to accompany their wives to war, the "shudo" custom may be said to have been a phenomenon that arose out of necessity.
Oda Nobunaga's favoritism toward a beautiful boy named Mori Ranmaru is particularly famous.

In the Edo period (1603-1867), it was customary for rich people to favor beautiful boys who were Kabuki actors, and young actors often sold their bodies themselves.
However, we do not hear that these beautiful boys liked to dress up as women.
Therefore, male homosexuality and love of cross-dressing may have "sexual deviance" in common, but they may not be related to each other.
Surprisingly, some of the pretty boys may have been masculine.

At any rate, I do not understand why people would want to "dress up as women.
It is only beautiful for a woman to dress up as a woman.
If a man with gray hair braids his hair and wears a ribbon, or if a well-made-up face has a beard, or if a flabby belly can be seen through a dress, I do not think it is beautiful, even if I do not feel discriminated.
First of all, they are not beautiful at all.

However, when I enjoy talking and interacting with them, I find out that they are very kind, vulnerable, and sensitive people.
But why do they want to dress up as women and show themselves in front of their friends as women?
Is it because they are women at heart and it is an unavoidable act?
Are they actually people who have a strong complex about women?
Are they people who have loved their mothers too much since infancy and are trying to be their mothers?

Hmmm, it is still very difficult to understand (>_<)