I have always found Japanese mythology uninteresting no matter how many times I read it.
I am Japanese, so why do I think they are uninteresting? Am I unpatriotic?
Now I know why!

Japanese mythology, especially the part about the descent of the grandchildren, is ridiculous and unfamiliar to me.
But after watching NHK's "Choice of Heroes," I understood.
It was natural. It was just a myth.

The story of the descent of the grandchildren is that Amaterasu allowed his grandson Niniginomikoto to go to the earth, and Niniginomikoto descended to Takachiho on the earth with the three sacred treasures.
This story itself is both intrusive and uninteresting.

In fact, Amaterasu was Emperor Jito, and Niniginomikoto was his grandson, Emperor Monmu (Emperor Karu).
This was a story that Fujiwara no Fuhito had concocted to ensure the succession of the throne from Emperor Jito to his grandson, Emperor Temmu, and made it sound plausible.

But the fact that Amaterasu was actually Emperor Jito...and Niniginomikoto was actually his grandson, Emperor Temmu...was taboo before the war and probably could never be mentioned.
A university professor who had studied the Nihonshoki for many years, who appeared on TV, was also momentarily hesitant to say anything when he pointed this . But he said with conviction.
If Tsuneyasu Takeda, a former member of the royal family who still strongly desires the prosperity of the imperial family, were to hear this, he would surely be outraged.

NHK is wonderful. They have managed to expose such a taboo in Japanese history.
Despite its status as a state-run broadcaster, it occasionally includes "anti-government" and "anti-national" content in its broadcasts.

After all, the story of the descent of the grandchildren reflected the political strife and political situation of the time, and was fabricated by Fujiwara no Fuhito without permission.
And it was nothing more than a pretense to show off to China, which was a great power even at that time, under the guise of Japan's authentic history.

I was reminded of this once again! Human sensitivity and sensibility are wonderful things!
What I found "boring" was really boring.
No, most Japanese probably feel the same way.