The number of foreigners visiting Japan (inbound) has exceeded 20 million.
That's great! Welcome to Japan!
I wonder if the future of Japan lies in tourism.

Sushi has taken root in Japan, and Westerners, who originally do not have the habit of eating raw fish, are now happily eating it (@_@).
That's better for your health than steak, isn't it?

The Chinese buying spree in Ginza has slowed down a bit, but investment in resort condominiums seems to be as active as ever.
Keep up the good work and keep buying Japan.

The Chinese, Taiwanese, and Vietnamese, whom the Japanese used to look down on, are now happily visiting Japan for sightseeing with their wallets bulging.
They are just like the Japanese people of the "high-growth" days of yore.

Ramen for 1,000 yen is too cheap! What do you mean?
There are a surprisingly large number of Japanese who cannot spend 1,000 yen a day on food.
The disparity has finally come to this point!

The Vietnamese were involved in a war just a few decades ago, and were running around naked with napalm bombs thrown around by the U.S., weren't they?
Things change as they change, don't they?

Japan is quietly and steadily declining, following in the footsteps of the fall of the British Empire.
We can only hope that the rich people of foreign countries will drop their money on us now.
We have no choice but to do "o-mo-te-nashi-shi.

The "expected image" of Japanese people from now on (according to the Ministry of Education) should be "a person who is lowly like an Omi merchant, never ceases to smile, and is always on the lookout for customers, so as not to lose them.

Rise and fall is the way of the world.
It has been a long time since anyone has been so proud. It is like a dream on a spring night. Even the fiercest of men finally perish..."
The Tale of the Heike is correct.

All that remains is to hope for an easy death.

Translated with (free version)