
これに対して、カナダが「ハマスのテロ攻撃を非難する」との文言を挿入する修正案を提案した。  が、「公正であるためにはイスラエルも名指しする必要がある」「誰がこれを始めたのか、私たちは皆知っている。イスラエルによる50年にわたる占領と、パレスチナ人への無慈悲な殺戮だ」(パキスタン)などの痛烈な反論を引き起こし否決された。











日本の外交官もこういう演説をしたいでしょうが、自民党政権ではアメリカのあとについていくだけ。 優秀な外交官には、やりきれないでしょうね。


この決議はなんの効力もない。 が、効力があったとしても、イスラエルは国連の決議を無視し続けている。  「誰がこれを始めたのか、私たちは皆知っている。イスラエルによる50年にわたる占領と、パレスチナ人への無慈悲な殺戮」を国連総会が認めたことに意味がある。




といっても、英文の文字化し、Google翻訳で日本語にし、ちょっと手を入れただけ。 大筋は合ってるはず。



議長 ありがとうございます。アラブ諸国とイスラム諸国がL25で提案した文書は人道的なものです。




誰がこれを始めたのかという問題に立ち戻るなら、誰がこれを始めたのか、私たちは皆知っています。50年にわたるイスラエルの占領と、パレスチナ人の殺害と殺戮が罪に問われなかったことから始まったのです。 民衆を窮地に追い込めば、彼らはそれに反応するでしょう
これは事務総長が言ったことであり、他と関わりを持たないで起こったことではない。イスラエル代表の反応を見ればわかります。彼らは真実を直視できません。彼らは正義を直視することができません。彼らは犯罪がイスラエル人に起因するという事実を直視することができません。 だからこそ、10月7日に何が起きたかではなく、実際の原因はパレスチナの占領です。
議長、この文章の中で誰かの名前を出すのは私たちの目的ではありませんでした、カナダから来た私の同僚は、人質のことはよく言っていますが、私たちは人質のことを言っていません。 このテキストは、彼らに敵対しているすべての人々の解放について、バランスの取れた言葉で語っています。 しかし、イスラエル人人質だけでなく、パレスチナ人にも同じ権利があります。

distinguished representative of Canada for his statement and I now invite Pakistan the distinguished representative of Pakistan to take the floor.

I thank you Mr President. Mr President the text that has been proposed by the Arab and the Islamic countries in L25 is a humanitarian text.

 it seeks three Simple Things. One an immediate sensation of hostilities of cease fire. Second the provision of urgent humanitarian relief to the besieged people of Gaza and third a stipulation against the further displacement of the 2 million people in Gaza trapped between Israel's bombs and its tents.

 Mr President the co-sponsors of L25 have been circumspect in the language that has been used in document L25. 
The document has not condemned Israel by name. and this has been a deliberate Act of moderation on the part of the sponsors. Because if one were to see the situation that is on the ground with Israeli bombs that are there for 20 days against the helpless Palestinian people but 7,000 men women and small children half of them children killed by Israel in the last 20 days, 177,000 injured 1.1 million Palestinians displaced. the enormity of the crimes that are being committed by Israel against the Palestinian people are so great and enormous that it is amazing that when my friend from Canada insists on naming the organization Hamas that he does not feel the need for the equity and balance and fairness for which Canada is so well known. He does not feel the need to name Israel for killing 7,000 Palestinians and injuring 177,000 only Hamas. Is this balance?
He says what needs to be named has to be named. We Believe Israel needs to be named if you are fair if you are Equitable if you are just. you will not blame one side and not the other. and if you were to go back to the issue of who started this, we all know who started this. it's is a 50 years of Israeli occupation and the murder and killing of Palestinians with impunity that started this. when you push a people into the corner they will respond. this is what the Secretary General said it did not happen in a
vacuum and look at the reaction that was that came from the Israeli representative insulting Secretary General calling for his resignation. they can't face the truth. they can't face Justice. they can't face the fact that the CRI that the crime has originated with the Israelis the Israeli occupation is the original sin in this case. it is not what happened on the 7th of October. That is a proximate cause but the real cause is the occupation of Palestine. 
Mr President it was not our purpose to name anybody in this text my colleague from Canada says well the hostages we don't speak of the host. the text does speak in balanced terms for the release of all who are held against them. but not only the Israeli hostages also the Palestinians they have the same rights.
they are human beings too and if you only focus on your kit and kin in Israel and forget the Palestinians because they are different. are they people of a Lesser God?
I think if Canada was fair if Canada was really Equitable it would agree either to name everybody both sides who are guilty of having committed crimes or it would not name either as we chose in L25 not to name anybody. but if the Canadian Amendment passes Pakistan will withdraw its co-sponsorship of L25 and we will submit an amendment to the text of the resolution which will strongly condemn all indiscriminate attacks by Israel the occupying power against the Palestinian civilian population.
that I hope we will have the opportunity at the appropriate time to do so. but my appeal to all member states here is not to support the one-sided Canadian Amendment the unequal Canadian Amendment the unfair Canadian Amendment. we urge you not to show that you are biased against the Palestinian people who have suffered 50 years of occupation. that you are evenhanded that you will either name both or you will name neither in this draft resolution. our purpose is to stop the fighting the fact that we have reports today that the Israelis have gone on the ground into Gaza which will escalate the fighting. it is all the more reason for this General Assembly to pass a resolution which is unequivocal in calling for a halt to the fighting to the hostilities. and that is what we must do this afternoon.
 I thank you Mr President