Written by English✍ | みはらっぱーのブログ



I went shopping with Ryosuke in Shinjuku😀
Early in the morning☀︎ 

We met at shoes store, atmos.
He bought three shoes.👟
Red one white one, and navy one.

And then, we went to LUMINEST for bought my swimsuit.👙
It was hard to decide. 
So I spent many time.
But He chose good one and, he waiting for me while I tried it. 
Finally I could buy a favorite swimsuit.
I can't wait this summer🐠

Next, we had lunch at こめらく🌾
It is my favorite food, boiled rice with tea called お茶漬け🍚
It was nice taste😊 yummy~♫
After that, we had one hour left.
So We went to Tokyu.
There were many pictures on the wall. 






I looooove it !!!! 
These ware crazy about me !!!
If I had enough money, I bought it😭

We had to go part time job.
So we didn't have enough time.
But It had good time with him.
Thanks a lot ♡