EmbraceYourImperfections:Relaxing&Inspirational | 幸福の科学を語る!?ブログ


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YouTubeの「Angels' Morning call 」よりクローバー


✨Embrace Your Imperfections✨ Relaxing & Inspirational Video―Give Yourself a Gift of Forgiveness


✨Enjoy 3 minute of relaxing, healing, and energizing time
✨ See how failures and mistakes can help you grow.
✨ Choose to live a better life, not a complete or perfect life

👼“Angels' Morning Call” presents the words of Ryuho Okawa as a guide to finding true happiness. In this series, we share Master Okawa’s spiritual wisdom as the essential keys to finding answers to life’s questions and problems. 
☞Subscribe to our channel today:

 / @angelsmorningcall  

⭐️Excerpt taken from the book, The Laws of Great Enlightenment. You can purchase the book from the link:



About Ryuho Okawa:
Born on July 7th, 1956 in Tokushima Japan, Ryuho Okawa is known as a spiritual leader, prolific author, world teacher, and global visionary. Okawa teaches universal Truths of spiritual growth, happiness and prosperity and offers wisdom and guidance in religion, education, politics, world affairs, management, science and the arts. To date, he has given over 3,500 talks and lectures on five continents and published 3,100 books with 100 million copies sold worldwide. In 1986, he founded Happy Science to spread spiritual Truths around the world. Happy Science now has members in over 166 countries, with more than 700 branches and temples as well as 10,000 missionary houses around the world.

About Happy Science:

   / @happyscienceofficial4553  

#AngelsMorningCall #Forgive #Imperfection #Spiritual #Inspiration #Faith #Heaven #RyuhoOkawa #HappyScience








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