(English follows Japanese)



ひつまぶし美味しかったし。彼女のお誕生日をお祝いするつもりだったのに、逆にご馳走になっちゃった。 次回、何か喜んでもらえることを探そう。





Since my trip to Otaru last fall, except for New Year's, we hadn't really enjoyed any holidays. So, we made the most out of a one-day break, enjoying it 120%. It was also the first time in four to five years that we met my cousin's wife.

I learned a lot from her thoughtfulness and way of talking, and it was really inspiring. I admire people who think fast.

The hitsumabushi was delicious. We had planned to celebrate her birthday, but instead, she treated us. Next time, We'll find something to make her happy.

I lived near this area until the fourth grader. Back then, there was no Skytree, of course.

We visited the skytree ten years ago.

Now, I found that there are so many condos built around Yahiro. It was surprising.

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