His name was Kimveer Gill, alias Trench, and he was a Goth, part of a subculture that takes its cues from Gothic literature and horror movies.

At 25 years old, the Montrealer yesterday became famous as the man suspected of staging a live-action horror of his own: the shooting of more than a dozen students at Dawson College, one of them fatally, before he himself was shot dead by police.

Identified in news reports today as the shooter, Gill left behind an illustrated profile of himself on Vampire Freaks.com. "His name is Kimveer. You will come to know him as Trench," the 18-page profile begins.

"He is not a people person. He has met a handfull (sic) of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the majority to be worthless, no good, kniving (sic), betraying, lieing (sic), deceptive mother f--ckers. Work sucks. School sucks. Life sucks. What else can I say."

A crude aphorism follows: "Life is a video game, you gotta die sometime."

He then goes on to take a quiz, and the answers he gives to questions like "How f--cked up are you?" prompt this response from the site: "Wait there. We’re coming to get you now. We’ve called the guys in white coats (to) get you, so don’t commit a mass murder before they come."

The next quiz questions asks "How truly depressed are you?" And from his answer, the site concludes: "Suicidally depressed. You are longing to kill yourself, you slit your wrists, not for fun, but because the world isn’t worth living in."

The site records that Gill last logged in four days ago, on Sept. 10 at 4:54 a.m. It says he became a member on the site ? one of 595,705 members ? on Nov. 14, 2005.

On the site, Gill answered a survey, too, in great detail.

Born: July 9, 1981, in Montreal.

Heritage: Indian.

Goal this year: "Stay alive."

Most missed memory: "Being young."

Been in love? Yes.

Been on drugs in the past month? Yes.

Want to die how? "Like Romeo and Juliet, or in a hail of gunfire."

Number of things I regret: "I regret nothing."

Asked to list his likes, these were some of his responses: Germany, Marilyn Manson, "First-Person Shooters.

Dislikes? There are many, filling two pages. But the first entry, in capital letters, pretty well sums things up:

"The world and everything in it."

