



The following day, I had a certain recording scheduled, and I had to return to Tokyo by 12:00 pm. So, I ended up staying out late at night and had to wake up quite early, repeating this pattern several times. It was a weekday, but that week I ended up doing some other activities, like going on a boat or something like that, which reduced the time I spent in Tokyo. It was insanely busy, to the point of being murderous.



I had work from Monday to Friday, and after finishing everything, we all went out for drinks. And then, I started feeling something strange. I thought it might be heatstroke because I had experienced something similar during the fourth day of summer classes when I was a tutor.

I had fatigue, and my throat felt a bit scratchy, and even the air conditioning was affecting me, so I spent the weekend resting. I thought I was fine, but then I started coughing.



That's how it is, summer fatigue is upon me. I was really careful about heatstroke, for instance, when I went kayaking and it was around 38 degrees Celsius. Even though I didn't feel tired at all, I took a break for 2-3 minutes every 30 minutes, stayed hydrated, and reduced the level of activity by about 10% compared to what I initially planned. I also took longer breaks, unlike my usual habits. I would have lunch and rest for a bit, even going into the sea to cool down my body. I took all these precautions and was fine during those times.


But it's dangerous when I'm busy with work. It's true that I'm cautious when I'm under the blazing sun at 38 degrees, thinking I might die, but when I'm just a little busy, I thought, "I won't die from that," but I was wrong. That's when I almost died. Yes, I really felt like I was dying due to summer fatigue. Although it wasn't too serious, I thought I was going to die.






When traveling, the air tends to be dry, but wearing a mask can help moisten the throat a bit. So, in that sense, it might be a good idea to wear a mask to prevent the throat from getting irritated due to the dry air, even though I don't have a cough. People probably just think, "Well, they seem to be a bit concerned," right?

During the summer, I'm not allergic to pollen and I don't wear masks like some others. However, when there's an epidemic and my physical condition is weakened, immunity tends to decrease, making me susceptible to catching a slight cold or feeling unwell. So I need to be careful about things like sleep time; sometimes I can't sleep well. To recover quickly, I hope everyone takes care of themselves too.

Yesterday, the Japanese archipelago was covered by a strong Pacific high-pressure system in a wide area. Temperatures rose in East Japan, mainly in Tohoku. On this day, the highest temperature in the country was 39.6 degrees Celsius in Hatoyama Town, Saitama Prefecture. Among the 914 observation points across the country, more than 200 points experienced five consecutive days with temperatures exceeding 35 degrees Celsius, known as extreme heat days. From today onwards, extremely hot days are expected in various regions, and severe heat is likely to continue. Looking at the forecast, tomorrow is expected to be cloudy. As for Tokyo, I wonder if it will be just comfortable or not quite as hot as before; well, more than half of the requests have been submitted, but the forecast is already out. Many days will have high temperatures even during the night and early morning.

The Japan Meteorological Agency is urging the thorough use of air conditioning indoors and avoiding going out as much as possible to prevent heatstroke and worsening health conditions. Moreover, there have been incidents that are believed to be caused by heatstroke. In Higashimurayama City, Tokyo, it was revealed that a couple in their 90s and 80s passed away two days ago on the 29th due to suspected heatstroke. They were found collapsed in their bedroom, and the air conditioner was not turned on. Only the electric fan was running, while the room's door and windows were closed, resulting in a high-temperature environment. It's common to hear of elderly people who are reluctant to use air conditioners, but appropriate air conditioning is necessary. There are some urban legends or conspiracy theories, you know, like some people believe air conditioning is bad for their health, just like some people believe vaccines are bad for their bodies. It's similar to those who don't base their beliefs on medical evidence. At times like this, I think it's better to avoid such unfounded urban legends.

In Yamagata City, the Education Committee held a press conference yesterday, apologizing for insufficient awareness and adherence to guidelines in response to the death of a female junior high school student who was taken to the hospital with suspected heatstroke after finishing club activities last Friday. It was revealed that they did not measure the heat index calculated from the temperature and humidity during club activities. The Yamagata City's heatstroke response guidelines clearly stated the need for grasping the current situation based on the heat index. The head of the Yamagata City Education Committee, Mr. Tsuchiya, apologized for not being able to protect the life of the student. To protect lives, these guidelines should be strictly followed.

Regarding this incident, it seems that the club activities started at 8 AM, and by 9 AM, the heat alert had already been issued due to the intense heat. In response to this, Yamagata City has decided to prohibit club activities as a principle when a certain percentage of the heat index is exceeded, rather than slowing them down. However, some might take the word "principle" as a loophole, you know. Yes, it's just a principle, so I'm a former club activity participant in junior high school, and I think there are still many people who don't follow scientifically-based methods. Even though it's a principle, it might be better to make it an absolute ban; otherwise, it won't stop.

In the end, it's too late to take action after someone's health condition worsens, so it's important to take responsibility. With such incidents happening, people should be more cautious. However, if it's not an absolute ban, the same thing might happen again. It's not about principles; you need to be ready to take action and enforce it, otherwise, it won't stop.







1 ミケーネ文明の宝物
2 アルテミシオンの神
「ゼウス」とか「ポセイドン」とか。ブロンズ、カラミスのものとされる。高さ2.09 メートル。 1928年にアルテミシオン岬の難破船で、同時期にアルテミシオン号の騎手として発見された。属性がありません。前の像のように、それが稲妻であれば、それは空の神であるゼウスです。しかし、属性がトライデントである場合、それは彼の兄弟である海の神である ポセイドンです。
3 アンティキティラのエフェボス
ブロンズ、1.98 メートル。 1901 年にアンティキティラ の沈没船で、アンティキティラ の機械とアンティキティラ の哲学者の頭部とともに発見されました。



アンティキティラ島の機械の例は 1 つだけ知られており、その破片は1901 年にキティラ島とクレタ島の間にあるギリシャのアンティキティラ島近くの難破船から発見されました。アンティキティラ島の難破船は長さ約 40 メートルのローマのガレー船で、紀元前 87 年以前のものと推定されています。



6 アルテミシオンのライダーまたはアルテミシオンの騎手
1926年にアルテミシオンの神と同時に難破船から発見された。馬も子騎手と同じように最後の力を入れる瞬間に集中する。 2 つの元素が元々同じグループに属していたのかどうかは定かではありません。馬の体と尾は修復されました。
ブロンズ。長さ: 2.90 メートル。


7 ミロス島のポセイドン

8    ボクサーの頭(青銅)


9 けらみこす 葬送記念碑


11アフロディーテ、パン、エロスのグループ アフロディーテはサンダルで パンを脅します。

12ディアデュメン​紀元前 1世紀のヘレニズムまたはローマのコピー。紀元前、大理石、ポリュクレイトスの青銅オリジナルより、日付紀元前420年広告 この古いコピーは、通常の帝国のコピーよりも優れており、冷たく、インスピレーションに欠けています。


13スニオンのクーロス BC600 古風なクーロス のタイプ。ナクソス大理石。
高さ3.05 メートルのポセイドン神殿からの元奉納。左足が前に出ていますが、フィギュアの体重は両足に均等に配分されます。体と頭が一直線に並び、バランスと対称性が生まれます。円筒形の首にセットされており、頭は幅広で四角いです。顔は平らで、唇は古風な笑みを浮かべています。


14ニニオンタブレットBC4C赤像テラコッタ 絵馬。エレウシス秘儀の行列を歓迎するデメテルとペルセポネ。

15キクラデスの偶像: BC2800 ハープ奏者 大理石で作られたキクラデス諸島のケロスの偶像。

16ディピロン アンフォラ BC8C 幾何学的な装飾が施された大きな葬儀用アンフォラ。高さ:1.60メートル。





21エピダウロスの彫刻 ライオンの噴水口 エピダウロスは劇場で有名。