☆ moving out plan☆ | haileychiのブログ




Move out deadline: December 2026


Look for jobs 2-3x a week

Apply to 2 jobs per week minimum - no exceptions

Follow up with applications 1-2 weeks after applying.


Deliberately make plans/errands/appointments on Tuesday , Saturday and Sunday

Take advantage of emergency anxiety meds if tightness in chest/PTSD flashback begins (you don't deserve to let your mom make you suffer flashbacks!)

Adjust sleep/wake schedule to avoid parents until getting a job.

AFTER GETTING WORK: Work hours are always open on Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday and will work the best for you, no ifs ands or buts.

DURING SCHOOL: Stay and "study" as long as you want. fuck your parents

Keep working towards pushing through PTSD flashbacks towards obligations so you feel in control.

wear earplugs when mom is home


"things you need to do" aren't for your parents, they're a step towards you feeling like an adult/feeling like you are a roommate in your own house

you are in control of how you handle your flashbacks

you are a roommate living in your landlord's house, NOT a child living in your parent's house. 

keep imagining your living situation as YOUR apartment. You are not held captive to your roommates. They cannot tell you what to do. 

your parents "rules" are your roommates PREFERENCES. It is fine to break the "rules" when it is convenient for you.

if you follow the roommate agreements, you'll feel more like a roommate and less like a child. 

....so on and so forth. I'm tired.