Went to therapy today | haileychiのブログ



So I talked to my therapist about what happened yesterday and the recent feelings I've had about my mom, and it was kind of a hard session. I had a sobbing fit and she had to help me come back to earth and take deep breaths for me


She believes that even though my feelings are valid and that what my mom did while I was in the shower was definitely inappropriate she thought that I'm having the wrong mindset about everything else which is contributing to the fights we've been having lately.  She says that I need to work on my emotional regulation skills and try to focus on positive thoughts and facts instead of letting my emotions take over so much that I'm spiraling. I know she's right, but a part of me is so angry that my mom is right and has a good point.

I feel upset, tired and angry at both myself and my parents for how our relationship's been lately.I'm struggling to not associate authority or demands from others as punishment towards me or being held captive to obligations and that thought pattern is bringing me a lot of misery and frustration because do I WANT to be like this?? NO! But my damn brain won't stop thinking that my family is against me and out to get me over them asking me to do a simple favor for them or giving me constructive criticism. 


I truly hate this and wish I wouldn't feel like this anymore. I want my parents to just leave me the fuck alone and treat me like a roommate and treat me just like my sister does, but they will never let up and it's beginning to give me a lot of repressed anger which I'm struggling to express healthily (like yesterday). I told my dad what happened with the door and apologized, and hopefully soon I'll be able to fix it, learn from this experience, and move on.


My therapist says that instead of giving into the negative thoughts or anxiety/anger around my parents telling me what to do, to remind myself instead that I'm in control and that doing xyz thing I want to avoid will help me feel more like an adult and like I'm going towards my goal of getting away from them. 


That's fine and dandy in theory, but I can't shake the feeling right now that my parents are consipiring against me no matter how many times they say to me "We're a team and nobody is trying to conspire against you". It's hard to NOT feel that way when actions say otherwise, even when this paranoia is hurting my relationships and overall hurting myself in the long run.


I don't know what to do. I don't know how to handle this. Help me. I am getting so sick and tired with associating being asked to do things by my parents or having an adult conversation with either being held hostage to their manipulation/obligations/standards or losing my pride and autonomy and letting them control me by doing what they tell me to do. I don't know why I'm like this and I can't do this anymore because it's distressing to ME to feel this way. I just want them to STFU and go away and leave me alone. 


The closest thing I've found to what I'm dealing with is called demand avoidance, but it doesn't matter because it's not serving me at all. I just want to scream, cry and go to bed. 


I'm sick of my mom trying to dictate my schedule. I'm sick of her nagging me to find a fucking job (as if me not finding a job when I already HAVE one is unacceptable) and I'm sick of me having to bend to her schedule just because I live there rent-free. My therapist suggested me paying them rent, which honestly sounds like a great idea once I get some money so I can start transitioning to living on my own without it being a sudden shock. 


I just want to bang my head against a wall and hope this bullshit problem will just go away, but that's clearly not happening anytime soon. I'm considering going to bed at 8 PM and waking up at 8 AM just for me to not have to talk to them anymore. It's a genuine consideration.


Maybe I'll have some control in my life once I pull my shit together and actually get a job that my mommy didn't nag me to apply for. I fucking hate her. Screw you for screwing me up in my childhood mom, screw YOU