I wish my mom could leave me alone | haileychiのブログ



I'm getting real sick and tired of my mom waking me up in the morning because SHE thinks I should be up. It has been pissing me off and borderline ruining my mood every morning, especially recently. I've been having a really crappy hypomanic episode and I haven't been able to get myself tired enough to sleep or have good quality sleep at all, so in total I've had MAYBE 10 hours of sleep in the past 2 days...

I know I haven't told her which is on me but I don't want to deal with another annoying lecture that makes me feel worse anymore. I know I need to make a better effort to work on my sleep schedule, I. KNOW. so stop fucking bothering me about it! Can't she just leave me alone and worry about herself? 

My boyfriend's mom doesn't worry about it so why should mine? I'm starting to feel angry and resentful that my mom won't just treat me like an almost 25-year-old and leave me alone instead of being like "It's tIME tO gET uP!!" like how do you think that's going to be at all helpful?? It just makes me hate her even MORE.Like why can't you just let it go??

I understand that she's worried about my sleep habits affecting my bipolar disorder, but why is she so fixated on me getting out of bed by 10? And no, I don't mean just waking up at 10, I mean getting out of BED by 10. And I'm sick of her treating me like a child, I shouldn't have to feel like I have to wake up when SHE wants me to wake up just so she can shut up and leave me TF alone! I'm so over it. I can't wait to be able to move out on my own and give her the finger.

Ah well, time to get back to freelance work (not after taking a 5 minute nap though..