2023.11/27分 (その9) キンバリー情報 パメラさん英文&Deepl自動翻訳 | 新しい地球を生きる☆魔女の部屋☆


希望は大事❣ だけど。。真実を知る勇気も必要なんだと思います。



The Silent Circle
The Silent Circle hasn’t gone away either. They are not giving any money at all to the Deep State or to operatives or anyone who is asking for it. They are doing everything they can at this point to change things. She’ll give us an idea. The state of New York has a lot of police quitting all of a sudden like Sunny reported. Well, most of them are involved with different types of businesses in New York, some known and others only known in movies. Well, she would say the Silent Circle also knows all those people as well and right now the Silent Circle is paying more than the elites and the operatives. She could say that maybe they found a better job doing something else? 





That is a movement we could probably look at and we will start connecting the dots. For example, she could also say KPMG, an economic terrorist organization is laying off a lot of employees and couldn’t buy their way out of their last fiasco. So, there is a lot of stuff happening if know where to look. But a lot of the time we don’t even know what stuff is a danger to us. For example, Kim knows for a fact Denton’s law firm is closely associated with the Mexican Consulate in Arizona. The information is out there, you just have to know how to connect the dots and go down the rabbit hole. She is telling us the pieces but we must do the work too.


Wrapping it up


According to Kim the banks will be fine, money will be fine, people will be fine exactly at the right time. As for the US government, if they still listen to the Larry, Moe, and Curly operatives, then yes, they are going to go directly into the toilet. We are not going to help these people recreate their power and that is the reason why she said those things about needing a death announcement about Trump if she was going to save the government.




Kim’s assessment right now looks like we have 50-50 shot of keeping governments. 50% want to move forward but are being held back by those who are saying, what if the Order of the Black Sun comes back and Satan shows back up and we didn’t kill the babies?


In the operative section it is the Trump operatives who are severely threatening the families, including their children in every way you can imagine to not make the announcement. And these are the same operatives coming out and talking in the alt media saying they are patriots and we love this country and don’t worry about the near-death experience it’s all going to work out.


So, we will see how many we have left after the full moon fiasco. Remember we are within the 30 days of the Solstice which they believe are the most powerful days. Oy vey.






翻訳は Deeplさんがしてくれるけど。。

コピーして 切ったり貼ったり。。

それだけで 疲れちゃった(笑)






クリフの情報を翻訳されてる Eriさん






キンバリー・ラジオさん と 阿逸 多-Hisaichi.Kazu-さん




みなさん いつもありがとうございますキラキラ



実際にやってみることで その作業がどれだけ大変か尊いことをされているか。。



みなさん ほぼ ボランティアなんだよねぇ。。

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