2023.11/27分 (その3) キンバリー情報 パメラさん英文&Deepl自動翻訳 | 新しい地球を生きる☆魔女の部屋☆


希望は大事❣ だけど。。真実を知る勇気も必要なんだと思います。



Police Resignations in New York

And this also ties into the problem we are seeing happen with the Police Department in New York which is why Kim included the history in the news as to why we originally had police departments. Below is the bit from Sunny’s report.




Policing in the US has a controversial background. In the North policing goes back to the 1600s when the English seized control over New Amsterdam now known as the state of New York. The Police was privately funded and charged with the protection of the elite interests in the New World. This meant keeping the elites ‘working class employees’ inline. In the South policing meant mainly slave patrols as early as 1704. Under Governor Cuomo’s term there was much controversy due to the police allegedly having performed services for the Governor’s private interests. The recent departures have to do with their lack of interest in enforcing the Governor’s tyrannical policies such as the involuntary lockdowns, or is there more to this story?




There are a lot of good men and women who are here to help people and they are members of the Police Department, FBI, CIA, MI6, MI5 and they don’t really know what they are getting involved in when they join, unless they are of the higher ranks. New York in particular, has one of the most interesting Police Departments in the US at this point as it is a center for the Deep State. The main operating Federal Reserve is there even though ‘technically’ it’s in Washington DC, as well as the main operating Treasury Department for the entire world, even though we might know it to also be in Washington DC or locally in your respective country.



There are a lot of other things that happen in New York. For instance, it is a big port city and there are a lot of interesting items that come and go through the ports in New York which is managed in collaboration with the New York Police Department. There are other activities that go on in New York as well that are managed in collaboration with the police. Kim was hinting at the organized mafia in Hell’s Kitchen, the Irish group that is there, the Italian and Jewish sectors in the diamond district.



But now things are changing a little bit as they are trying to implement laws and mandates that are tyrannical, a bit insane and the police are jumping ship, they don’t want to participate. And they are not getting their special money either. Kim isn’t talking about every person who is a police officer, but the select people who were placed there by the Senior Executive Service (SES), who have worked for the elite and different groups. And Kim thinks the current governor of New York is a cousin of Pelosi, so what does that tell you and who they are working for.


China’s New Flu


On another related topic, if you watched the China news recently you’ve probably seen there is a new flu, possibly the bird flu, and there is possibly a case of the bird flu in the UK. What Kim is seeing is potential lockdowns in China again and she is seeing the same thing in New York City, the narrative is almost in lockstep. I’m guessing the New York police are not up for that again. Kim said to connect the dots and start paying attention to what they want you to do as this applies to what the crazy people wanted to do this weekend, which she will get to soon.




What if Trump Dies Now Circulating

We talked about the requirements for the Global Repository (aka Kim) and for governments. One of those is if someone is dead, they need to be announced dead, which is Trump of course. And she emphasized it was natural and not an assassination. This has yet to go mainstream, but what has instead is an article about what if Trump dies before the election, if it happens before or after then what?  For example, Business Insider speculates on Trump’s DEATH and how it would impact 2024 election (bizpacreview.com).


グローバル・リポジトリー(通称キム)と各国政府の要件について話した。そのうちのひとつは、誰かが死んだ場合、死んだと発表する必要があるということで、もちろんトランプ大統領のことだ。そして彼女は、それが自然なことであり、暗殺ではないことを強調した。これはまだ主流にはなっていないが、代わりに出ているのは、もしトランプが選挙前に死んだらどうするかという記事だ。 例えば、Business Insiderは、トランプの死とそれが2024年の選挙に与える影響について推測している(bizpacreview.com)



Benjamin Fulford Acknowledges Trump was Black Sun

Another article was by Benjamin Fulford which has some interesting tidbits.



Satan has been defeated and now his minions are being rounded up – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis (benjaminfulford.net)

サタンは倒され、その手下は一網打尽にされる - 週刊ジオ・ポリティカル・ニュース&分析(benjaminfulford.net)



Corrections According to Kim | Bush Sr’s Death

But Fulford’s article is not entirely accurate because Kim knows for a fact Bush Sr. was not executed for treason; he was executed by the Yakuza in 2014 because he made a deal and promised lots of money to get and keep Fukushima leaking, then didn’t deliver the goods.
To summarize again, the Yakuza actually got the contract for the “cleanup” for Fukushima and that was even in RT news at the time. They were transporting enriched uranium into several locations throughout the African continent, predominantly in places close to manufacturing plants of urea. Bush and Henry Kissinger also tried transporting it into the US at the time, and when they failed to pay for their enriched uranium, Bush Sr. ate bad fish. That’s the Yukuza’s signature when they make someone go away.



