Mount Hiei, The Birthplace of Japanese Buddhism


The Timeless Realm in the Sky Where Japan's Greatest Monks Trained


Mount Hiei rises to a height of 848 meters on the border between Kyoto Prefecture and Shiga Prefecture.

To the east, the mountain looks out over the waters of Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan;

to the west it provides a panoramic view of the city of Kyoto, the nation's ancient capital.

Regarded as sacred from ancient times, Mount Hiei was chosen as the site for the temple Enryakuji in 788 by the great Buddhist monk Saicho (767-822; also known as Dengyo Daishi).

When Emperor Kanmu (737-806) transferred the capital of Japan to Kyoto in 794, Enryakuji attracted the court's attention owing to its location to the city's northeast, the direction regarded in East Asia as the source of evil influences.

Enryakuji was thus seen as ideally situated to ward off these malign forces, and was designated by Emperor Kanmu as Kyoto's official guardian temple.

In the following centuries, Enryakuji developed into one of the nation's most important Buddhist

centers, educating many of the eminent monks who went on to establish the various sects that constitute Japanese

Buddhism to this day.

Mount Hiei is thus often referred to as the Birthplace of Japanese Buddhism, or as the Japanese Buddhist University.


・realm 母山(王国、領土、領域くらいの意味)

 例 the realm of nature 自然界 / the realm of science 科学の領域 / the realm of ruler 主君の領地

  the timeless realm in the skyは「悠久の時が流れる天空の聖地」と訳出

・court 宮廷


・ward off 受け流す 払い除ける 清める

 例 ward off ruin 滅亡を防ぐ ・ward off danger 危険を避ける ・ward off a blow 撃ち込まれる太刀を払う

                               =parry a blow

・malign 悪意のある *ここでは形容詞

 例a something inhuman and malign なにか非人間的で邪悪なものです

・guarding temple 護国寺




In 1994 Enryakuji was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Its extensive grounds, spreading over the summit of Mount Hiei, are divided into three major areas.


To the east is the area known as Todo (East Area),

to the west is Saito(West Area), and

to the north is Yokawa.

Enryakuji invites you to savor its timeless history and natural beauty as you tour its many temple halls in their forested surroundings.

・to this day 今日に至るまで

例The story is still told to this day and listened to with tears.  言い伝えて今なお美談とす

・spreading over the summit of Mount Hiei 比叡山の山頂に広がる

・savor ゆっくりと味わう

例I took a mouthful and savored the taste. ひと口食べて[飲んで]風味をゆっくり味わった

・timeless history 悠久の歴史

・tour ~を周遊する

 例 The play is touring the provinces. その芝居は地方を巡業中である
