Goodfellas vs Pretend musician Marc Lowe 獅石 間阿空 


Who can forget this amazing scene in the Martin Scorsese mafia film classic Goodfellas?


That's right---NOBODY!!!  It was such a great scene.


What you may or may not know, however is that in an unrealesed cut, Joe Pesci's character Tommy DeVito said to Ray Liotta's character Henry Hill "I played a Marc Lowe song to torture the prick!"  Epic.  


FYI Marc Lowe is a pretend musician with no musical credentials who claims to be a vocalist, guitarist, keyboardist, percussionist, songwriter, producer, videographer, author, filmmaker, DJ, Buddhist expert, and scholar.  Unfortunately, everything listed, when performed by this classic case of Dunning Kruger Effect, is basically horrid.  Besides buying himself listeners and viewers on Spotify and YouTube, the pretend musician also enjoys paying to play empty live houses, sometimes live houses that are actually aquariums, so he can make fish hate his music, too.  


Guido Di Sicko supports real music by real musicians.  Do not enable fake musicians and narcissists.  Remember, Uri Tenpo is not a man.  Uri Tenpo is a movement. 

Pretend musician Marc Lowe as analyzed by Guido in his new book!


Marc Lowe Pretend Musician plays live music for fish in an aquarium in a Tokyo slum bar

(IMAGE:  Art by Prickly Succulent featuring Marc Lowe Pretend Musician plays live music for fish in an aquarium in a Tokyo slum bar)


Guitar Playing For Idiots is a new book by Guido Di Sicko and published by Uri Tenpo Productions.


In this professionally filmed music video with no music a fake record label owner laments about fictional campaigns being waged against him by his former band mates. Can you guess which fictional musician learned from this Internet bestseller? Could it have been the fictional character Marc Lowe (not his real name) who has no musical credentials? Or, is it an idiot nearer your locale, domicile, or place of enslavement? It don't matter. Just put it on the platter. Guido Di Sicko is a solider. I thought I told ya.


Word up mother duckers! Quack!



"Fake musician Marc Lowe is musically incompetent and a joke." So sayeth Guido Di Sicko!


Greetings mother duckers! It is I Guido Di Sicko, expert reviewer and expert on all things am here to remind that Marc Lowe and the horrible sounds he composes are not music, but audial manure. 


Marc Lowe fake musician

Parents, please don't let your children grow up to be idiots, narcissists, morons, fake musicians, self-proclaimed geniuses, or creators of harmful noise. Let them learn how to properly play and compose before releasing 50 albums on an imaginary record label that only burns CD-Rs. Cover their ears when they walk thru Kichioji in Tokyo, the Big Mikan. Tokyo is a crappy city, nothing like Quebec City. QC doesn't tolerate bad music by fake musicians. Tokyo encourages them to pay to play. Raise your little ducklings in a Marc Lowe Music Free Zone.


Your comrade in feathers,

Guido Di Sicko

The Quebec Quacker

Guido Di Sicko's good pal, the half-Cherokee half-Italian half-Mexican native artist Prickly Succulent has produced some amazing Marc Lowe Art. This piece is entitled "Marc Lowe in the Manko"

It features Internet un-sensation and fake musician Marc Lowe in a manko. Manko is a native art of Japan. Prick has captured both the idiot spirit of Lowe and the manko spirit of Japan in this amazing sketch. It is for sale at Prick's art gallery for just $2222.22 USD.




Premier Hotel Mojiko declared a Marc Lowe Music Free Zone by Guido Di Sicko.

Marc Lowe Sucks More - Premier Hotel Mojiko declared Marc Lowe Music Free Zone by Guido Di Sicko



Marc Lowe Music Free Zone. A nice hotel to take someone else’s wife to. Staff are tight lipped and won’t rat you out. It was designed by an Italian. Perhaps Guido Di Sicko’s relative? They have good food in good restaurants. The toilets flush well and the locks work, too. One can enjoy watching idiots walking along the strait and laugh at stupid couples as they stroll along. Mojiko is famous for real music like jazz and there is zero chance anyone will play a Marc Lowe song in this town.

Marc Lowe - Famous genius singer songwriter gets reviewed by KURI Radio's morning DJ Guido Di Sicko aka The Quebec Quacker.

In this stunning documentary video professionally filmed in a high-tech state of the art studio, everyone's favourite rubber duckie illustrates the quality of Marc Lowe's genius music --- WITH NO SOUND!


An amazing concept unheard of in these trying times under the Marcovid23 Pandemic.


"Video killed the radio star" has often been sung and is often true. In this case, however, the combination of songwriting, video and audio killed this poseur's career from the get go (gecko?) but makes for wonderful black comedy for people exposed to these horrid "works."


Enjoy the show and tune in to KURI every morning for the Guido Di Sicko Show. It will make you drive more alive and improve your sex drive.



Greetings & Salutations!  How are you mother duckers?  Well, quack you, too!


It is with great pleasure I announce that The Marc Lowe Point will be playing live at AAA Timpani in Tokyo. Unlike the Olympics or Marc Lowe live at AA Company in Tokyo, there will be fans in attendance.  You know, people who play money to watch quality music by real musicians on real record labels. The date and time are a secret because of the facist J government led by Supreme Dicktator Suga "Sugar Daddy" Yoshihide. 


If you'd like to attend, just point your head toward qibla because the Kaaba in the Sacred Mosque in Mecca will help you when you ask during the salah.  Consult you official mihrab if unsure of  the direction of the qibla.  Or, you can contact Uri Tenpo at Uri Tenpo Productions any weekday between the hours of 10:00-10:01 or at any Uri Tenpo Movement Rally, usually held in conjunction with Donald Trump revivals and Sinister Minister sermons on the weekends.


Marc Lowe - Genius fake musician


The Marc Lowe Point has indicated they will be doing a whole set of cover versions and singing some of the greatest Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass instrumentals.  How they are able to do this is beyond my ducking knowledge, but these guys were the primo band on the luau circuit on Oahu, Maui and Kaui back in the day.  They were banned from the big island of Hawai'i due to an unfortunate pakalolo induced incident with a goat in the 1980s.  But, that didn't stop people from the big island following TMLP around the more populated islands. Much like the Grateful Dead had Dead Heads, The Marc Lowe Point's fans are affectionately known as MaLoPos.  MaLoPos are known to smoke too much pakalolo and beat up fake musicians who claim to be geniuses and build shrines to themselves. The Hawaiian Government has declared them Treasure of the State and awarded them the highest honor of the islands --- The Golden Bong.


So, get your smoke on and come on down to the little town of Tokyo this August and see TMLP rock the crowd and perhaps lynch any fake musician sissy sickos they encounter.




Yours in all sincerity, 

Guido Di Sicko

The Quebec Quacker

Expert of all Things & Genius Critic 

Kim Jong-un wishes Happy Birthday to fake musician Marc Lowe in this heartfelt professionally filmed music video on CD-R label Supreme Leader Marc Shroud Records On CD-R, the best fake music catalogue on the Korean province.

Joe Biden's chief advisor and best friend Kim Jong Un and Marc Lowe became friends via YouTube, the premier streaming service for propaganda for Supreme Leaders like Diana Ross and Kim, not so much for fake musicians like Marc Lowe.


Kim commanded puppet leader Biden to blow up Iranian citizens on February 26st as a fireworks celebration for Marc Lowe' birthday celebration in Syria.




Hello boys and girls, mums and dads, gender binary confused, it's your pal the Quebec Quacker, Guido Di Sicko. I'm here today to tell you that, apparently, if you pre-order some terrible new CD-R or streaming garbage of Marc Lowe you'll get two whole free crappy songs as a bonus. I, Guido Di Sicko, would never ever forever do so, but I think this is a great way for idiots to throw their money away. Just think, you not only waste money and encourage the production of more audial garbage by a horrible musician, you'll also ruin your eardrums and get PTSD.

Marc Lowe - Horrible Musician

Once upon a time, behind a very large nose and gigantic malocclusion lived a child man in an enormous ego inside a moderate (at best) brain. He was not happy with his real name (slave name, if you will) so assumed the moniker of Marc Lowe. One day, Marc thought it would be a good idea to be in a band. Unfortunately for Marc, he is unable to play well with others. Before long, he was fired from his band. This would happen over and over. But, because of the gigantic ego and imagined Hebrew entitlement, it was always the fault of others. Every band was full of jealous hater troll villains and they ganged up on poor Marc.


Then, suddenly, a short bus dropped off a very special boy named Slim Jim Showtalow and he became Marc Lowe's very own Momotaro, or Peach Boy. Slim Jim Showtalow and Marc would hold hands and walk through the park filming narcissists and pigeons on their iPhones. Then, they would retreat to their love den and, on Marc's shag carpet in a rented flat in a Fukuoka slum, record countless sessions of noise making which they called songs. These songs were put onto CD-Rs so other people could also hate them. The short bus school taught Slim Jim how to upload to streaming services so the whole world could make fun of their songs.


On a cold February afternoon, the evil Biden Empire of Real China unleashed their Death Star on Japan. Japan suffered many deaths due to the evil Marcovid23 Virus. But, Marc plowed onward and continued to pay to play in empty coffee shops and in front of volatile crowds of two or three at so-called live houses. He was outsung by hecklers, but still claimed victory by releasing a seven part documentary on his imaginary stellar musical career in Japan. China struck again with the Marcovid23 Virus and his live dates were cancelled.


And, the world lived happily ever after...




The Biden Banana Republic chose Black Nail as the national anthem of the Wussified Divided Status of Amerika.


(a children's story by Guido Di Sicko suitable for sissies and sickos of all ages, creeds, and nail colours)