原書で読む世界の名作 260  

「Seize the Day」52 詐欺師特有の茶色い目 Saul Bellow Penguin Books  

その日をつかめ 訳 宮本陽吉 集英社

  2024 01 02 (Tue)
62 What a creature Tamkin was when he took his hat! The indirect light showed the many complexies of his bald skull, hig gull's nose, his rather handsome eyebrows, vain mustache, his deceiver's brown eyes. His figure was stocky, rigid, short in the neck, so that the large ball of the occiput touched his collar. His bones were peculiarly formed, as though twisted twice where the ordinary human bone was turned only once, and his shoulders rose in two pagodalike points. A midbody he was thick. He stood pigeon-toes, s sign perhaps that he was devious or had much to hide. The skin of his hands was aging, and his nails were moonless, concave, clawlike, and they appeared loose. His eyes were as brown as beaver fur abd full of strange like.

■ vain mustache = 虚栄心の強そうな口髭。
■ a vain woman = 虚栄心の強い女。
■ He is vain about his academic background. = 学歴を鼻にかける。
 his deceiver's brown eyes = 詐欺師特有の茶色い目。
 the large ball of the occiout touched his collar. = 後頭部の大きな肉の塊が襟にあたる。
 occiput = 後頭部
 deceiver = 詐欺師。 deceive = 騙す。
 pagoda = 塔。パゴダ。
 Midbpdy was think = 胴は太い。 midbody = 胴。 
■ devious = showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals. ずる賢い。曲がりくねった。(性格が)ひねくれた。素直でない。
■ He stood pigeon-toed = 立つと内股になる鳩足で。
 The skin of his hands was aging, and his nails were moonless, concave, clawlike, =

62 帽子をぬぐと、タムキンはなんという人物だろう! 間接照明のせいでさまざまな複雑さが現れた。 禿げた頭、鴎(かもめ)のような嘴(くちばし)のような鼻、なかなか立派な眉毛、虚栄心の強そうな口髭、 詐欺師特有の茶色い目、後頭部の大きな肉の塊が襟にあたる。骨は奇妙な形をしていて、普通の人間が一回 だけのところを二回ひねって作られたようで、肩はそれぞれ仏塔のように尖っていた。銅は太かった。 立つと内股になる鳩足で、それは狡猾であるか隠し事がうんとあるかどちらかの印だろう。手の皺は老人の ようで、爪は半月型がなく、へこんでいて、かぎ爪のように茶色で、奇妙な線が一面に入っていた。
62 The two large browm naked balls look thoughtful--but was Dr. Tamkin honest? There was a hyonotic power in his eyes, but this was not always of the same strength, nor was Wilhelm convinced that it was completely natural. He felt that Tamkin tried to make his eyes deliverately conspicuous, with studied art, and that he brought forth his hypnotic effect by an exertion. Occasionally it failed or drooped, and when this happened the sense of his face passed drownward to his heavy (possibly foolish?) red underlip.
 naked balls = 裸眼
 with studied art =
 it was completely natural = それが完全に生まれつきのものだ。
 the sense of his face = 顔の感じ
 underlip = 下唇

 二つの大きな茶色の裸眼は、思案深がげに見えた――しかし、そんなんだろうか? そして正直そうだった―― しかし、タムキン博士は正直なのか? 目には催眠状態に引き込む力が備わっていたが、それはいつも同じ力では なかっし、それが完全に生まれつきのものだとも思わなかった。タムキンは研究しつくした策略 をつかってわざと目を目だたさせ、努力の結果催眠力を引き出していた。ときどきこの力が抜けて たるんでしまい、こういう状況がおこると、顔の感じはだらしなくなり、重苦しい(愚かしいという ほうがふさわしい)、赤い下唇に変ってしまう。
63 Whilhelm wanted to talk about lard holdings, but Dr. Tamkin said, "This father-and-son case of mine would be instructive to you. It's different psycological type completely than your dad. This man's father thinks that he isn't his son."
 "Why not?"
 "Because he has found out something about the mother carrying on with a friend of the family for twenty-five years."
 "Well, what do you know!" said Whilhelm. His silent thought was, Pure bull. Nothing but bull!
 "You must note how interesting the woman is, too She has two husbands. Whosee are the kids? The fellow detected her and sha gave a signed confession that two of the four children were not the fathe's."
 lard holdings = ラードを買ったこと。
 be a differnet tyoe from your dad = ... different ... than ... = 異なるタイプ・・
■ carry on with ... = 関係がある。続ける。
■ Well, what do you know = へえ、驚いたなあ
 pure bull = 完全にでたらめ。
■ his silent talk = 口には出さず心の中でそう思った。
 The fellow detected her = 男に追及されて。 detect = 見つける。見抜く。
 she gave a signed confession = 女は署名入りの告白を書いた。

62 ウィルヘルムはラードを買ったことについて話そうと思ったが、タムキン博士は言った。 「わたしがいま取り扱っている父と息子のケースなんか、きみには勉強になると思うな。きみの お父さんとは心理的に違ったタイプでね。この男は、その男の父親はその男を自分の息子とは 考えていない」
 「へえ、驚いたなあ」とウィルヘルムは言った。完全にでたらめ。でたらめ以外の何事でもない。 口には出さず心の中でそう思った。
 「それに、この女はおもしろいところがあるんだ。誰の子かってわけさ。男に追及されて、 女は署名入りの告白を書いた。四人のうちの二人は父親の子じゃないってわけさ」